Survivor November 3, 2021 Voted Off Sydney Segal (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, November 3, 2021, another new episode of Survivor season 41 did indeed air, and another unlucky contestant got voted off at the end.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of Erika alone on her separate island, contemplating whether or not to use the hour glass twist to change the outcome of the safe from immunity challenge that took place in the last episode.
Next, host Jeff Probst explained everything that happened with Erika to all of the remaining contestants. Then, Erika revealed that she did indeed use the hour glass twist to change the outcome of the safe from immunity challenge results!
This meant that Evvie, DeShawn,Sydney, Danny, Ricard and Naseer were now the losers of the safe from immunity challenge and the other team consisting of Xander, Tiffany, Liana, Shantel, Erika and Heather were now safe.
After that, Evvie, DeShawn,Sydney, Danny, Ricard and Naseer immediately competed in the immunity challenge. During it, they had to pick blocks out of a box with their feet and use their feet to build a 3-level block statue and place a flag in the middle hole without knocking the blocks over. Ricard just edged out Sydney for the win. So, Ricard joined the others who were safe from getting voted off.
Only Evvie, DeShawn,Sydney, Danny and Naseer could get voted off at tribal council in this episode. Danny campaigned to Liana about getting rid of Evvie. Liana said it’s tough to think about getting rid of Evvie because she’s been an ally. Xander told Evvie he’s going to play the idol on her, and he and Tiffany suggested to Evvie that they vote out DeShawn.
Tiffany told Xander that Liana has an advantage that could steal Xander’s idol if she knows he has it and asks him for it.
Xander told Danny he’s planning on saving Evvie with his idol. He also told Danny about Liana’s advantage that allows her to steal an advantage away from someone. Danny went back and told Liana and Sydney that Danny is planning to use the idol on Evvie. Danny also told Liana that Tiffany blabbed her advantage-stealing power to Xander.
Next, we saw Xander telling Liana that he’s playing his idol on Evvie. Apparently, Xander knew that his idol was already known by most people. So, he didn’t mind telling anyone what he was doing with it.
Liana told Deshawn that Xander and a few others are targeting him. Liana told Deshawn she’s planning on taking Xander’s idol at the tribal council meeting. Sydney started wavering on being locked in to vote with Liana, Shantel, Deshawn, Danny and Ricard just before the tribal council meeting started.
At the tribal council meeting, everyone talked about all the twists and turns this season 41 has. Xander said he’s planning to give his immunity idol away to Evvie. Deshawn pointed out that Evvie told him that Xander had the idol before they even met. That caused Xander to question Evvie’s trust a little bit or so it seemed.
Next, Liana pulled out her advantage,and asked Xander if he had an idol in an attempt to steal it from him. Then, Xander revealed how totally slick he is. He revealed that he gave his idol away before the tribal council meeting, and the idol he was holding was a fake one.
So, Liana got fooled into wasting her advantage power on Xander. His idol was still in play, but Tiffany was the one holding it. However, Xander made all the others think that he had given it to Evvie.
That caused everyone to start whispering back and forth since a change of plans was definitely in effect. Some people started whispering to vote out Deshawn. They also talked about splitting the votes between Sydney and Evvie.
Finally, everyone went to cast their votes. It was revealed that Deshawn had an extra vote during the voting. Before the votes were revealed, Sydney played her only shot in the dark rock, which gave her a 1 out of 6 chance of getting safety. This also caused her to have to give up her vote for this tribal council meeting.
Unfortunately, Sydney’s shot in the dark failed to give her safety as drew a not-safe card. Xander told Tiffany not play the idol on Evvie because he was confident that they wouldn’t vote out Evvie since he tricked them into thinking he gave Evvie the immunity idol.
After all of that, Jeff finally revealed that Deshawn got 3 votes. Evvie got 4 votes and Sydney got 5 votes. So, with 5 votes, Sydney was the unfortunate soul that got shafted in this episode. Sydney said to herself, “I should’ve just played my vote instead of the shot in the dark.”
How do you guys feel about Sydney Segal getting voted out in tonight’s November 3, 2021 episode of Survivor season 41? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new episode of Survivor season 41 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, November 10, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
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