Tough As Nails November 17, 2021 Eliminated Alfie Rivera From Individual Competitions (Recap)

Hey, “Tough As Nails” fans. Tonight, November 17, 2021, another new episode of Tough As Nails season 3 did indeed air, and another unlucky contestant did see their dreams of winning the individual title wither away and die.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with another team competition. Sarah was chosen to be crew boss for the Savage Crew team. Christine was picked to be crew boss for the Dirty Hands team.
For this competition, the teams had to set up a lighting grid buy putting lights in the right spot and have them come on in the correct sequence. During it, they had to start off bolting 4 light trusses together. Both the Savage Crew and Dirty Hands team ran into trouble with the light trusses.
However, both teams were finally able to get it together at the same time. Then, they had to set up the lights by putting them where they needed to go on the trusses. At one point, Savage Crew’s Kelsey got into an argument with Elizabeth over the lights. Apparently, she thought Elizabeth put them in the wrong spot or something, but she eventually had to stand corrected ,and she apologized Elizabeth.
Both the Dirty Hands and Savage Crew teams ran into multiple issues with the light placements. When it was all done, it was the Savage Crew team that won the challenge to keep the team challenges alive by making the overall team wins 4-3. The first team to hit 5 wins, gets the extra $60,000 dollars.
Currently, the Dirty Hands team is in the lead with the 4 wins, and they would have closed out the team challenges if they had won this latest team challenge. The Savage Crew also won $12,000 dollars for winning this challenge.
Next, was the individual competition. For it, they had to correctly set up a DJ station. The winner of this challenge won a pair of tickets to the Grammy Awards.
During this comp, they had to set up a dj table. Then, set up some lights and speakers. They also had to make sure the turntables were set up correctly. Jerome ran into issues with his light setup at first, but he got that together.
A lot of them had a problem getting the turntables set up right. When it was all over, Mike took the first place spot to claim the Grammy Awards tickets. Lia took 2nd place. Jerome finished 3rd. Elizabeth claimed the 4th spot ,and Tak took the 5th spot. That means Quincey and Alfie finished last. So, they had to do the overtime challenge to keep their spot in the individual competitions.
During the overtime challenge, Alfie and Quincey had to use a long pole with a hook to place the letters, “Tough As Nails. Time to get to work” up on a theater marquee display. During it, Alfie got off to a big lead over Quincey.
However, Alfie got his spacing wrong. Then, some letters started falling for him when he tried to correct the spacing. That allowed Quincey to catch up and win to stay in the individual comps.
So, Alfie was eliminated from the individual competitions, but he will be sticking around to continue the team competitions. How do you guys feel about Alfie Rivera getting eliminated from individual competitions in tonight’s November 17, 2021 episode? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new episode of Tough As Nails season 3 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, November 24,2021 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Tough As Nails” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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I didn’t like the fact that Lia told Jerome to check everyone else station including the vinyl records. She told him how to succeed. In my book, that’s cheating. Not a fan of cheating!