Survivor December 8, 2021 Voted Off Danny McCray (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, December 8, 2021, another new episode of Survivor season 41 did indeed air, and another unlucky contestant met their demise at the end.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with more post-tribal council meeting talk. Apparently, Deshawn was feeling upset about having to vote off Liana. He told the private cams, “I’m sad. I didn’t want Liana to go home, and I didn’t expect things to get so emotional.”
Elsewhere, Xander told Danny, “Keeping Ricard around for one more vote was really important for me.” Xander told the private cams, “Keeping Ricard was a strategic plan for me to get further.”
Deshawn talked with Heather and Erika about his emotional moment at the last tribal council. Heather and Erika said they admired it. Erika said she felt guilty for voting out Liana.
Next, host Jeff Probst showed up with the rewards challenge. For it, they were divided up into two teams of three. During the challenge, each team member had to go through some water obstacles and retrieve a buoy. Then, they had to shoot the buoys into a basket. The first team to shoot 3 buoys into the basket, won.
The team of: Deshawn, Erika and Xander ended up winning the rewards challenge. For their reward, they were able to choose either grilled chicken and veggies, or cake, cookies and candy. They chose the chicken and veggies reward.
While eating their chicken and veggies, Xander, Deshawn and Erika talked about voting out Ricard next. However, Deshawn told the private cams, “I don’t trust either one of them. So, we’ll see at the next tribal council.”
At one point, Danny went searching for a new immunity idol. Later on, Ricard told Heather and Erika that he thinks Danny might have found an idol because his vibe seemed more peppy and positive. Heather said, they’ll just add that into the equation for what they’re going to do moving forward. Erika told the private cams that she felt good about teaming up with Deshawn and Xander.
Next up, was the immunity challenge. During it, they had to go through some obstacle courses to get some puzzle pieces. Then, they had to solve a Survivor word puzzle with the puzzle pieces for the win. Ricard ended up winning the immunity challenge, making it his 3rd immunity win of this season. He also foiled everyone’s plans to target him. So, it was super hilarious.
At one point, Ricard asked Danny if he found an immunity idol. Danny said,”I can’t tell you that.” Danny confirmed to the private cams that he did not find the idol. Xander told the private cams, “We might have made a mistake keeping Ricard around.” Danny and Deshawn’s names came up as targets. Erika told the private cams, “I want to get Danny out for my game.”
Ricard told the private cams, “I would prefer that Deshawn go out over Danny because he has a good relationship with Heather and Erika.” At one point, Danny went ahead and revealed to Deshawn that he was a pro football player for the Dallas Cowboys and Chicago Bears. At another time, Erika was seen telling Deshawn, “We want to keep you.”
At the tribal council meeting, Deshawn said he definitely thinks he’s in trouble. They also talked about why they let Ricard stay in the game at the last tribal council. Danny and Deshawn didn’t think it was good for their game, but Erika and Heather thought that keeping Ricard was good for their game.
Deshawn told Heather, “Erika told me that she’s not taking you to the end.” Ricard and Erika said Deshawn might have just ruined his game with that statement. Deshawn said, “I play with my gut, and I have to stand with that.”
After the votes were counted, Deshawn got 3 votes, and Danny got 3 votes. So, they had to revote to break the tie. During the revote, they could only vote for Danny or Deshawn. Danny and Deshawn could not vote. During this second vote, Danny got 3 votes, and Deshawn got 0 votes. So, with 3 votes, Danny did get voted off the island.
Afterwards, Danny said, “I wasn’t surprised. I knew it would be either me or Deshawn. I came up short, but I’m ok with the result as long as I left everything out there.” How do you guys feel about Danny McCray getting voted off of Survivor season 41 in tonight’s December 8, 2021 episode? Let us know in the comments section. Next week’s episode will be the finale episode. So, we’ll finally see who won this thing.
The next,new finale episode of Survivor season 41 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, December 15, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time. It will be a long, 3-hour show.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Survivor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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Something was fishy with regards to the idol. It was there on camera and it cut out like it was probably one of those this season advantages