Amazing Race January 5, 2022 Eliminated Michael & Moe In Premiere Episode (Recap)

Hey, “Amazing Race” fans. Tonight, January 5, 2022, the new season 33 of The Amazing Race did indeed premiere with episode 1. It was a 2-hour event that featured one of the teams getting eliminated.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with the teams learning that they needed to catch a flight to London, England to start off this new season of The Amazing Race. Once they got there, they needed to go to Trafalgar Square to get their first clue.
After that, they showed brief introductions of the teams. Connie and Sam ran into some trouble with trying to find the Trafalgar Square, but they eventually got it together.
Once the teams made it to Trafalgar Square, they had to race on foot to Buckingham Palace and get their next clue at the Canada Gate. Once they got there, they ran into their detours. They were able to choose to do either the Artist Den or Digiben detour.
In the Artist Den detour, the teams had to post a piece of original street art work. They also had piece together a puzzle. Lulu & Lala and Michael & Moe ran into heavy trouble with this challenge, and it really caused them to lose a lot of time.
In the Digiben detour, the teams had to find Bobby a policeman, Little Ben and Digi Ben to get their next clue. Once they did all of that, the next clue directed the teams to go to The Chipping Forecast and find people who were impersonating the Queen and Boris Johnson to get their next clue. Once they did that, the teams were told to go to the Natural History Museum, which was the pit stop for this leg of the race.
Michael and Moe ran into a lot of trouble trying to find The Queen and Boris Johnson, which allowed Lulu & Lala to pull ahead of them.
Anthony & Spencer arrived at the pit stop ,first, to win this leg of the race. They won a trip for 2 to Turks & Caicos from Travelocity. Ryan & Dusty came in 2nd place. Raguel & Cayla came in 3rd. Kim & Penn took 4th. Caro & Ray claimed 5th place. Akbar & Sheri took 6th.
Connie & Sam arrived in 7th place. Taylor & Isaiah came in 8th. Arun & Natalia took the 9th spot. Lulu & Lala took that very important 10th place. So, Michael & Moe showed up dead last due to their issues with the Queen and Boris Johnson challenge. Host Phil Keoghan confirmed that they were indeed eliminated.
Right after that, hour two began. It featured the teams being told that they needed to hit up the mail rail in West London to get their next clue. Once there, they hit a Road Block challenge. During it, they had to ride the mail rail to the loading dock.
Then, they had to sort through thousands of envelopes until they found one that was letter perfect, which turned out to be an Amazing Race envelope. Ray and Penn thought there was more to it because they found it so quickly. So, they wasted another 30 minutes trying to find something else. It was hilarious and sad.
After this Road Block, the teams had to catch a taxi to Leicester Square to get their next clue. Once they did, they ran into their detours for this leg of the race. They were able to chose to do either the Bullseye,mate or Decorate detour.
In the Bullseye,mate detour, the teams had to throw darts at a bullseye until they could both hit the same bullseye on the same dartboard.
In the Decorate detour, the teams had to correctly decorate two blank cakes with fruit toppings. The decorations needed to depict a certain country’s flag.
After the teams completed whichever detour they picked, they had to hit up the Double Decker bus at the Russell Square Metro Station, which was the pit stop for this leg of the race.
Ryan & Dusty arrived in first place. However, there was no price for first place in this one. Connie & Sam took 2nd place. Arun & Natalia came in 3rd place. Cayla & Raquel took 4th. Anthony & Spencer came in 5th. Kim & Penn arrived in 6th place. Caro & Ray took the 7th spot. Akbar & Sheri claimed the 8th place.
Taylor & Isaiah came in 9th, which means poor Lulu & Lala showed up last. However, they were very lucky because host Phil Keoghan told them this was a non-elimination leg. So, they’re still in it. However, they’ll probably have to face a special speed bump challenge in the next leg for coming in last place.
The next, new episode of Amazing Race season 33 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, January 12, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Amazing Race” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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