Bold And The Beautiful’s Li Finnegan Reported To Really Be Dead & More

Hey, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We are back in your faces to address the huge elephant in the room. As most of you know, poor Li Finnegan became another victim of crazy Sheila Carter’s madness in this past Wednesday’s June 22, 2022 episode when Sheila got into a car chase with Li until she forced Li to get into a wreck and drive her vehicle into the water while it was engulfed in fiery flames.
After that scene, the big question in most of our minds was is Li somehow still alive after that wicked-looking accident? We didn’t see her body. So, maybe she got out of the car somehow and swam underwater to safety.
Well, according the folks over at and their sources, it appears that it’s really over for Li as they’re reporting that Li’s portrayer Naomi Matsuda has indeed filmed her last episodes for The Bold And The Beautiful.
Here’s what we’re determining from that. We’re ,most likely, at the very least not going to see Li again for quite some time if ever. After what the writers pulled with the whole Finn death scenario, I’m not going to believe Li is really dead unless they give us a scene that shows her dead body lying in a casket with a full funeral taking place.
If they leave her storyline open-ended like this where there’s no body and the last image was of her driving into the water, I will always hold out some glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe she got away somehow.
As of right now. we have no official, future spoiler scoops for Li’s character. The only thing we’ve heard is that Sheila will pop up again in the Friday, July 1, 2022 episode and ask her friend Mike to help her care for Finn.
As we previously reported, we know that Finn will fully recover at some point because he’s supposed to have some more romantic moments with Steffy before this Summer 2022 concludes. Needless to say, a lot will need to happen before that scenario is able to play out.
Again, as of right now, we don’t expect to see Li’s character again for at least a very long time if ever, especially if they address her storyline with a dead body being discovered and confirmed to actually be dead. If they don’t find her body, I’m leaning towards her still being alive somehow, some way for a possible future twist or something. What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That is all the info we could collect for this latest, “Bold And The Beautiful” TV show report,but definitely stay tuned for more.
The “Bold And The Beautiful” usually airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned.
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This whole storyline with sheila and finn sucks. B&B really need new writers and they need to get rid of brook, hope, paris,grace and sheila and bring a good stroeyline where Finn and Steffy and the kids get together and Thomas fine a new loce ( not hope) and let Quinn and Carter have a happy reunion for once basis get a new storyline alon with new writers and get rid of the sorry actress and actor along with the sorry writers