Big Brother 24 Paloma Aguilar Reportedly Quit The Game Late Last Night

Big Brother 24 Paloma Aguilar Reportedly Quit The Game Late Last Night

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back with another very important report from inside the Big Brother season 24 house. It has recently been brought to our attention that Big Brother season 24 houseguest Paloma Aguilar has left the house/game as of late last night, July 13, 2022.

CBS has not officially chimed in on these rumors, but some inside sources have confirmed this shocking news. Sources for a very trusted Big Brother source named Hamsterwatch told them that Paloma did leave the game late last night.

Then, Hamsterwatch relayed that news on their official Twitter account saying, “A source has informed me Paloma is gone #bb24.” You guys can view that tweet over on Hamsterwatch’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.

The folks over at Big Brother Network also reported on this story, and presented a timeline leading up to Paloma’s departure on the LIVE feeds last night.

They say Paloma was last seen on the LIVE feeds shortly before 2 pm Pacific time yesterday, July 13, 2022. The houseguests were not talking about her absence from the game for hours. Finally, at around 6:48 pm, Ameerah and Kyle were seen talking about how they need Paloma to stick around. Kyle was seen mentioning that production was talking to Paloma.

At around 8:43 PM, the LIVE feeds cut out and never returned. That really caused Big Brother fans on social media to start speculating that something was up. Then, at around 9:30 pm is when the people over at Hamsterwatch dropped the news on Twitter that Paloma was out of the game.

Big Brother Network went on to report that Paloma was actually seen earlier yesterday, telling her fellow houseguests to vote her out on eviction night if she ended up being one of the nominees of the Backstage twist. So, that’s really interesting.

Sharon Sharp who works for Us Weekly also commented on this Paloma situation on her official Twitter account, saying that the LIVE feeds would be down all day ,today, because CBS wants to wait to address this issue during tonight’s LIVE eviction episode.

Sharon Sharp wrote, “No update from Julie about Paloma or what’s going on. Sounds like the feeds will be down all day because she said it will be addressed during tonight’s live eviction. #bb24” You guys can view that tweet on Sharon Sharp’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.

Alright, guys. That’s all the info we’ve got ,for now, on this Paloma situation, but we’ll definitely be back on here later on tonight to deliver up our LIVE eviction report. We’re sure we’ll have more Paloma info to reveal in that report. So, stay tuned.

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