Big Brother 24 Spoilers: July 29, 2022 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, fellow, “Big Brother” fans. Happy Friday and weekend. We are back in your faces to give you another very important report from inside the Big Brother season 24 house. Earlier today, July 29, 2022, the eviction nomination ceremony did take place, which means we now know who is currently sitting on the chopping block.
As we previously reported, Monte won the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition after last night’s, July 28, 2022 LIVE eviction episode. That means he was in charge of nominating one of the bestie pairs for eviction today.
During Monte’s nomination ceremony, he ended up throwing Alyssa and Indy on the chopping block. So, Alyssa and Indy are currently up for eviction. However, from what we’re hearing on the LIVE feeds, there’s a bigger play that may be in the works.
According to the folks over at Big Brother Network , Monte’s bigger plan is to hopefully renom Nicole & Taylor in Alyssa and Indy’s place after the POV (Power Of Veto) competition is played.
Monte originally wanted to nominate Nicole and Taylor from the start with Nicole being the main target, but he wanted to make sure they could get Taylor’s full trust. So, he opted to go this route instead.
At around 4:39 pm pacific time today,July 29, 2022, Monte was seen telling Joseph that Taylor feels comfortable with the backdoor plan to get Nicole out.
At around 4:41 pm, Monte told Joseph that Terrance actually proposed the backdoor plan to get Nicole out. Terrance ,apparently, thinks Nicole was just pretending to be his friend, and he’s tired of it.
At around 4:50 pm, Monte was seen saying that if the backdoor plan to get Nicole out doesn’t work, Alyssa will be the main target this week.
At around 5:13 PM, Joseph told Monte, “Even when I’m talking to Taylor, Daniel and Nicole are all looking at him like WHY? Nicole, Daniel and now Indy are all eyeing me as to why, and I don’t like that. That’s not cool. Monte said, “Its crazy because Taylor is a human being too, and she should feel comfortable being here.”
Joseph said,”I no longer care how Daniel and Nicole feel.” Monte said, “We do need to keep up appearances, but Taylor should be able to talk to people without that worry. Our first priority is getting Nicole out for Taylor and all of us.”
Judging from those important LIVE feed conversations, it definitely appears that Nicole is certainly a backdoor target plan. However, if that doesn’t work out, we could be seeing Alyssa make her exit on eviction night next week.
The POV competition is expected to be played tomorrow, July 30, 2022 sometime. So, we will definitely be back on here to deliver the POV comp results. Definitely be on the lookout for that report.
How do you guys feel about Alyssa & Indy getting thrown on the eviction chopping block today as pawns to get out Nicole via a possible backdoor play? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That’s all the info we could track down for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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