Big Brother August 11, 2022 Evicted Daniel Durston. New HOH Winner Revealed (Recap)

Big Brother August 11, 2022 Evicted Daniel Durston. New HOH Winner Revealed (Recap)

Hey, fellow, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, August 11, 2022, another LIVE eviction show for Big Brother’s current season 24 did air, and we saw another houseguest make their exit at the end. We also now know who the new HOH (Head Of Household) is.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with host Julie Chen-Moonves revealing that awful Festie Bestie twist is going to finally end tonight. Then, we got footage of what happened in the house after the last POV ceremony when Michael took Terrance, Monte and Joseph off the block and replaced them with Daniel and Kyle.

Michael told the Diary room aka the private cams, “I view Daniel as the biggest threat outside of our Leftovers alliance.” Daniel told the private cams, “Michael wants to follow the herd, and I can’t really compete with that.” Taylor told the private cams, “I will be voting Daniel’s a#% out this Thursday.” Terrance told the private cams, “I’m hoping to keep Daniel and get rid of Kyle.”

Daniel told the private cams, “I don’t owe anything to Kyle because he’s working with another alliance, and I’m doing everything I can to get him out.”

Jasmine told the private cams, “I think Michael and Monte may be in an alliance since he took him off the block. It doesn’t make sense for Michael to pass up a chance to get such a big target out.”

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Kyle told the private cams, “I’m fully riding with the Leftovers since Alyssa tried to get Monte out with the other side of the house, and it’s too hard to protect her at this point.”

Kyle told Alyssa that they should be more distant since he’s on the block. Alyssa told the private cams that she’s unhappy with she and Kyle’s tumultuous relationship. “I’m so confused,” she said.

Daniel tried to rally Jasmine, Terrance, Indy, Alyssa and Joseph to vote out Kyle. Daniel told Alyssa there’s a big alliance that includes Kyle, and that Kyle didn’t care about saving her when she was on the block. Alyssa thanked Daniel for the info and told the private cams that it really made her think about if she would be ok with not saving Kyle.

Daniel pitched to Joseph why he should vote out Kyle. Joseph told the private cams, “Do these guys not think I’m in the other alliance? I would never vote to save Daniel.”

After all of that, the eviction nominees Daniel and Kyle gave their plea speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests casts their votes to evict. Monte, Brittany, Turner, Alyssa, Taylor, Indy, Jasmine and Joseph all voted to evict Daniel. Terrance voted to evict Kyle. So, by a landslide vote of 8-1, Daniel was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 24 house tonight.

Next, Daniel gave his exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Daniel told Julie, “As soon as Nicole left, I knew I was done. Michael is sweeping the game. Michael and Monte are huge threats. I knew when my number one went, it wouldn’t work out.

Daniel talked about using the veto last week even though it put Nicole in danger. He said he and Nicole ran through every scenario and just decided it was a risk they were willing to take.

He also talked about his treatment of Taylor in the house saying, “I believe we’ve talked about things and are ok. If I’ve done any wrong doings, I can’t wait to right them outside of the house.” Julie told Daniel about the Leftovers.

Daniel also got to hear some goodbye messages. Taylor’s message was pretty brutal. She told him, “I’m glad to see you walk out that door. Your wish came true. Now, you don’t have to talk to me until finale night.” Daniel laughed about it. So, he was a good sport.

Next, Julie told the remaining houseguests that the Festie besties twist is over, and that everyone left is either in the jury or the final two.

From there, the houseguests competed in a new HOH competition. It was called, “Conspiracy fest.” It was an endurance comp where they all had to hang on to a wall for dear life. The last one holding on, won. It lasted beyond the time constraints of the LIVE show. Jasmine already fell off before the LIVE show ended. We did find out who won the HOH comp via the LIVE feeds. It turns out that Taylor won! So, Taylor will be the new HOH this week.

However, Julie mentioned there is a new twist that’s going to be in play. She said that it will split the remaining houseguests into two groups that will feature two separate evictions. So, we’re going to have to wait and see what that’s all about. We’ll keep you guys informed as we get new information on it. How do you guys feel about Daniel getting evicted tonight, and Taylor becoming the new HOH? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new episode for Big Brother season 24 is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 14, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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