Big Brother September 22, 2022 Evicted Brittany Hoopes (Recap)

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, September 22, 2022, another LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother’s current season 24 did indeed air, and we saw another unlucky houseguest get voted off and sent to the jury house before it was over.
Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kicked off with footage of what took place in the house after Monte won the last POV (Power Of Veto) competition. Turner told the private cams that he realized Monte and Taylor were hooking up. So, he wasn’t so sure about Monte taking him to final 2 anymore.
Monte told the private cams that he was starting to get upset with the way Taylor has been acting, lately. Apparently, Monte brought up being away from his god daughter for a long time, and Taylor had made some remark about it that he thought was insensitive. Taylor also took off Monte’s headphones and told him to get out of her bead. It seemed like she was doing it in a joking manner, but Monte took it personally.
Next, we got footage of Turner asking Monte about him and Taylor. Monte fessed up to Turner about hooking up with Taylor. Turner asked Monte, “Do you think you guys will continue your relationship after the show?” Then, Monte started complaining again about the way Taylor’s been acting lately, claiming she’s been on a power trip.
Later, Monte talked with Taylor about the problems he has been having with her. Taylor apologized for coming off insensitive when he talked about being away from his god daughter. But, Monte wasn’t having any of it. He told Taylor, “I have a very low tolerance for any disrespect. So, I don’t feel comfortable sleeping in your bed tonight.” Taylor said, “I understand.”
Taylor told the private cams, “I don’t have time to worry about a relationship with a guy. I’m trying to win $750,000 dollars. You’ve seen vulnerable Taylor these last couple of weeks, but cold Taylor is checking back in so we can get this $750,000 dollar bag.”
After all of that, we were shown jury house footage. Terrance and Michael showed up, and they watched footage of he and Terrance’s double eviction week. Then, Alyssa arrived to join them, and they watched her eviction week.
Alyssa said she was still mad at Turner for voting her out. At one point, Alyssa mentioned that Taylor slept in Monte’s HOH bed for 3 nights straight. Joseph looked kind of upset to hear that, but he told the private cams, “That’s their business I guess.”
Next, the remaining houseguests Monte, Brittany, Turner and Taylor got video messages from their loved ones. So, they got teary-eyed and emotional.
Then, we got footage of Brittany pitching to Monte why he should take her to the final 3 over Turner. She told him, “If I stay, your probability of winning the final 3-part HOH (Head Of Household) competition increases dramatically.”
Monte told the private cams, “Turner’s resume is starting to stack up, and it would seem easier to win if I kept Brittany. It’s something to think about.”
After all of that, the eviction nominees Brittany and Turner gave their final plea speeches. Then, Monte made his sole vote to evict Brittany from the Big Brother season 24 house as expected. So, that was the end of the road for Brittany. She was a good sport about everything. She gave everyone a hug on the way out.
Next, Brittany gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Brittany told Julie, “Honestly, it did make the most sense for Monte’s game to pick Tuner over me. I would’ve crushed him in that final HOH competition. His arguments were logical. It just wasn’t in my favor.”
She mentioned that she didn’t regret voting to evict Taylor last week because they couldn’t come after her anymore than they already would have.
In regards to Michael, Brittany said, “Our game plan was for me to pretend that I wasn’t with Michael so I could gather up information and bring it back to him. I never anticipated him using our game plan against me in the end. So, I do have a lot of questions for him. I do hope we can have a beautiful friendship after this, but I do still have a lot of questions for him.”
After Brittany’s exit interview, Julie talked with the “Cookout” alliance from last season, which consisted of Tiffany Mitchell, Azah Awasum, Derek Frazier, Xavier Prather, Hannah Chaddha and Kyland Young. They gave their thoughts on some of the events that took place this season.
Derek and Xavier mentioned that they thought Taylor has the best shot at winning this season. Kyland said, “It’ll be interesting to see who goes over the best with the jury.”
The episode closed out with CBS telling us that it’s time for us to vote for America’s favorite houseguest. The winner gets $50,000 dollars and a free cruise on the CBS Love Boat. You guys can cast your vote over on CBS by Clicking Here.
We’re pretty sure that the first round of the final, 3-part HOH competition will start up later tonight. So, we will be back on here with the results of the first round after it’s completed. So, be on the lookout for that.
The next, new finale episode of Big Brother season 24 is scheduled to air this Sunday night, September 25, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time. It will be a LIVE, 2-hour event. So, plan accordingly.
Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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