Big Brother 24 Spoilers: September 23, 2022 First Round HOH Winner Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. It’s that time again. We’ve got some new, spoilery information for this current season 24 of Big Brother. Very late last night, the first round of the final, 3-part HOH (Head Of Household) competition took place, and we now have the results of it.
As we previously reported, the final, three houseguests are Monte, Taylor and Turner after Monte voted to evict Brittany Hoopes and send her off to the jury hose during last night’s LIVE eviction episode. Sometime after that, the first round of this final 3-part HOH competition took place, and it didn’t end until really late, around 11:37 pm pacific time, which was around 1:37 am here in Dallas,TX.
Anyways, the first round HOH comp was an endurance competition that involved spinning according to Big Brother Network. After it was all played and done, it was Turner who emerged as the winner!
That means Turner is going to march on straight through to the final round. Meanwhile, Monte and Taylor will have to battle each other in the second round of this final, 3-part HOH competition. The winner of that round will move on to face Turner in the 3rd and final round on finale night, which is this Sunday night, September 25, 2022.
We’re not sure exactly when the second round HOH competition is scheduled to take place. It’ll either happen today or tomorrow. So, we’ll be back in action with the results of it.
We expect this second round HOH comp to be a physical/mental comp if it’s anything like what we’ve seen in past seasons. So, we do favor Monte to win it, but who knows? Maybe Taylor could pull off an upset. We’ll see. The last time we checked, Monte was a lock to get taken to the final two by either Turner or Taylor, but that could certainly easily change during these final days of this season.
After the first round HOH competition, the houseguests did their Diary Room sessions and talked about who had the best chance with the jury in a final two situation. Turner tried to pitch to Taylor that he doesn’t think he has much of a chance to passively convince Taylor that she should take him over Monte should she happen to win this final HOH competition.
It’ll definitely be interesting to see what other talks take place after this second round HOH competition gets completed. We’ll definitely let you guys know if anything juicy pops up. How do you guys feel about Tuner winning the first round of this final, 3-part HOH competition? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Additionally, CBS is airing a special Big Brother episode tonight, September 23, 2022. It will be the memory lane episode. So, they won’t be showing any strategizing or competitions. But, if you want to see a look-back over this season, it might be something you’ll want to tune in to watch. It’s due to air at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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