Survivor November 23, 2022 Voted Off Noelle Lambert (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, November 23, 2022,another new episode of Survivor’s current season 43 did indeed air, and we saw another unlucky contestant get sent packing at the end.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with Karla talking to the private cams about how they voted off James at last tribal council. She said, “I voted the way everyone wanted, but I’m frustrated.” Cassidy was seen talking to the private cams about last week’s second tribal council meeting, which sent Ryan packing. Cassidy expressed how happy she was to be able to play a part in that.
Jesse brought up to Noelle that Sami is overplaying and trying to play every single angle. Noelle agreed. After all of that, host Jeff Probst showed up with a Rewards challenge. During it, they had to get through some obstacles and throw a sand bag on top of a tower platform without it falling off for the win.
Noelle ended up coming from way, way behind to pull out the win, and it was emotional. Everyone congratulated her. Noelle won pizza, dessert, beer and wine along with spending a night at a sanctuary with pillows and blankets. She got to choose 3 other people to join her, and she chose: Sami, Owen and Jesse.
Next, we got footage of Noelle, Owen, Sami and Jesse’s reward feast. They got letters from home. Sami told them he wants to get Cassidy out next. Owen talked about splitting votes between Cassidy and Karla. Meanwhile, back at the camp, Cassidy told Cody she thinks Noelle is a big threat. Cody seemed to agree.
After all of that, host Jeff Probst came back with the next immunity challenge. During it, the had to steady a balancing board while simultaneously building a house of cards. The first one to build the house of cards high enough to reach a read arrow without it falling over, won. Cassidy ended up winning it to claim immunity! She also ruined some possible plans that were in the works to get her out.
Noelle told the private cams, “I can’t trust Sami. I’m a 100 percent positive we can vote out Karla.” Jesse told the private cams how dangerous and resilient Noelle is. So, he made plans to get out Noelle. Sami told Jesse, “I don’t want Karla to go just yet, and I don’t think we can go to the end with Noelle.” Jesse obviously agreed. Jesse campaigned to Mike Gabler to vote out Noelle out by telling him how much of a warrior she is. Gabler seem to buy it.
However, Gabler ran back and told Karla that Cody and Jesse are dangerous and need to be dealt with. She seemed to agree heading into tribal council.
At the tribal council meeting, they just did some general game talk before voting. After the votes were read, Sami got 1 vote. Karla received 2 votes, and Noelle got a whopping 4 votes. So, with the 4 votes, poor Noelle did get voted off the island. She was a good sport about it saying, “I love you guys. Good luck, everyone.” She also gave everyone a hug on her way out.
Noelle told the private cams, “I came into this game wanting to play the hardest, and that’s what got me voted off. I hope I inspired a whole different group of people to start applying.” How do you guys feel about Noelle Lambert getting voted off Survivor season 43 in tonight’s episode? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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