Young Sheldon Season 6 February 23, 2023 Episode 14 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Young Sheldon Season 6 February 23, 2023 Episode 14 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Young Sheldon” fans. Unfortunately, we have some bad news for you in this article. It’s one of those times again. The CBS people are not airing a new episode of Young Sheldon tonight, February 23, 2023. That means you guys will have to wait a little bit longer to see the next, new episode 14 of Young Sheldon’s current season 6.

However, you won’t have to wait an extremely long time because we do have official word from CBS ,via their official episode 14 press release that they do plan to air the new episode 14 next Thursday night, February 23, 2023 in its usual, 7 pm central standard time slot. So, certainly be sure to keep an eye out for it next week.

So, what is CBS airing in Young Sheldon’s empty time slot tonight? We did get the answer to that very important question via the TV guide listings. They’re telling us that CBS is still going to air an episode of Young Sheldon tonight. However, it will just be a repeat episode. They’re re-airing the 5th episode of this season 6 titled, “A Resident Advisor and the Word ‘Sketchy.’

CBS’ official description for this repeat episode 14 of Young Sheldon season 6 reads like this, “At college, Sheldon decides to expand his responsibilities and become a dorm resident adviser. Meemaw and Dale make a sketchy business deal; Mary and George Sr. rekindle their romance.”

If any you guys find that particular rerun of Young Sheldon to be appealing at all, you might still want to keep CBS on your primetime watchlist tonight for the 7 pm central standard time slot. If you only want to watch brand new episodes of Young Sheldon, you will certainly want to skip CBS tonight at that time and check back in next Monday night.

Spoiler Warning: We did get a hold of another official teaser description for the next, new episode 14 of Young Sheldon’s current season 6 via their official episode 6 press release. It’s telling us that this new episode 14 is officially named/titled,”A Launch Party and a Whole Human Being.”

CBS’ official description for episode 14 reads like this, “The Coopers can’t be found as Mandy goes into labor. Also, Sheldon is excited about the launch of his database on YOUNG SHELDON.”

Again, CBS confirmed that the next, new episode 14 of Young Sheldon’s current season 6 is scheduled to finally make its way to the air next Monday night, March 2, 2023 at approximately 7 pm central standard time. It will also be available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.

Alright, guys. That’s going to do it for this latest, “Young Sheldon” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Derek Smith
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