Big Brother September 12, 2023 New POV Ceremony Results Revealed (Spoilers)

Big Brother September 12, 2023 New POV Ceremony Results Revealed (Spoilers)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We are back, once again, with another very important report/update from inside the Big Brother season 25 house. The POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony took place yesterday afternoon, September 11, 2023, and we have the results for it. Before we go over those results, we’re going to do our usual, quick recap of this week so far for those of you who aren’t up to speed on everything.

This past Thursday night, September 7, 2023, Cameron won the latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition to become the new HOH this week. On Friday, September 8, 2023, Cameron decided to nominate Izzy and Felicia for eviction during his nomination ceremony. On Saturday, September 9, 2023, Jared pulled out the POV win, and that all brings us to yesterday’s September 11, 2023 POV ceremony.

During the POV ceremony, reigning POV winner Jared decided not to use the veto to save Felicia or Izzy. So, they are the final nominees for this week, and one of them will surely walk out of the house this Thursday night, September 14, 2023 during the new, LIVE eviction episode.

It’s believed that Felicia will most likely be the one getting voted out this Thursday night. At around 1:45 pm pacific time yesterday, September 11, 2023 on the Big Brother LIVE feeds, Matt and Izzy were seen counting the votes Felicia would have to stay, and Matt said, “The only votes that Felicia would have is Mecole and Bowie.”

At around 2:39 PM America was seen telling Cameron, “The consensus is Felicia. She has been super sloppy and messy with the things that she says.” Cameron said, “Everyone is sick of hanging out with Felicia, and she is rubbing people the wrong way.” America said,”I’m so frustrated because I want to see Izzy go, but no one in the house is saying that also.”

At around 3:08 PM, Bowie told Cameron that she’s been picking up a vibe that the house is looking to get Felicia out, but no one is really talking to Bowie. She went on to say, “The smarter plan would be to vote Izzy out.” Cameron said, “Felicia is playing so sloppy and that’s why I want her to stay.”

Cameron was also seen campaigning to Cory about how he thinks Izzy needs to go over Felicia. Cory said he is open to the idea. At around 5:16 PM, Jared and Matt were seen saying that Cameron is going to be blindsided again if he thinks he has the votes to send Izzy home.

At around 5:38 PM, Jag was seen telling Izzy, “My preference is that you stay this week, but you being next to Felicia makes it harder.”

At around 6:34 PM, Cirie was seen telling Izzy, “I’m not tethered to Felicia, and you will have enough votes to stay. I will talk one on one with Matt, Blue and America to make sure they’re solid with the vote. I’m going to F Cameron up next week.”

At around 6:48 PM, Cirie told Matt and Jared, “I’m only voting to keep Izzy. I do not need to have another conversation about this. There’s no going back and forth.” At around 8:25 PM, Jared told Izzy, “I’m sure that America, Cory and Jag will vote with the house to keep you.”

At around 1:20 am today, September 12, 2023, America was seen telling Matt, “Izzy is part of what’s holding together that other group.” Matt said, “It might be better for us to get Izzy out.”

Judging from those LIVE feed conversations, it appears that the majority vote is leaning towards Felicia, but Cameron is pushing hard to get Izzie voted out, and America is definitely helping him with that campaign. So, we could see this vote go either way this Thursday night if Cameron and America can rally up the votes to get Izzy out. We’ll see.

Alright, guys. That’s all the info we could dig up for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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