New Hell’s Kitchen October 26, 2023 Episode Preview Revealed

New Hell’s Kitchen October 26, 2023 Episode Preview Revealed

Hey, “Hell’s Kitchen” fans. We’re back in action to let you guys know that the FOX people will be serving up another new episode of Hell’s Kitchen tonight, October 26, 2023. That’s right, guys. Tonight’s new episode will be the 5th one for Hell’s Kitchen’s current season 22, and we’ve got some new preview intel for it.

FOX served up an official press release for tonight’s new, October 26, 2023 episode 5. So, we will certainly reference it for this preview session. Let’s go.

For starters, we’ve got an official title for tonight’s new, October 26, 2023 episode 5 of Hell’s Kitchen season 22. It’s called,”Just Bring the DARN Fish!”

In tonight’s new, October 26, 2023 episode 5, you guys are going to see a Surf & Turf relay challenge get thrown at the remaining contestants. During this challenge, they will be required to taste and identify some mystery proteins as fast as they can.

The losers of this challenge will have to break down whole salmons for the dinner service. The winners will get to go out with Gordon Ramsay to learn how to throw an axe. During the dinner service, the celebrities will include actor Dolph Lundgren and singer Paula Abdul.

FOX’s official description for tonight’s new, October 26, 2023 episode 5 of Hell’s Kitchen season 22 reads like this,”It is finally time for the infamous Surf & Turf relay challenge where the chefs will taste and identify mystery proteins as quickly as possible.

Some chefs ace the taste test while others crash and burn. The losers will have to break down entire salmons for dinner service while the winners spend some quality time with Chef Ramsay learning how to axe-throw. The evening’s dinner service is attended by actor Dolph Lundgren, and singer/choreographer Paula Abdul in the all-new “Just Bring the DARN Fish!” episode of Hell’s Kitchen.”

FOX’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 5 of Hell’sKitchen’s current season 22 is indeed scheduled to show up on you TV sets tonight, October 26, 2023, starting at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Hell’s Kitchen” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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