New Magnum PI Season 5 January 3, 2024 Finale Episodes 19 & 20 Spoilers Revealed

New Magnum PI Season 5 January 3, 2024 Finale Episodes 19 & 20 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Magnum P.I.” fans. We’re back in your faces to let you know that you’re going to get not one, but two new episodes of Magnum PI tonight, January 3, 2024. That’s right, guys. NBC is going to air the next, new episodes 19 and 20 of Magnum PI’s current season 5 back-to-back tonight. Episode 20 will be the season 5 finale episode. We’ve some new spoiler scoops for both of these installments.

NBC served up an official press release for both of these episodes. So, we will certainly dig into those for this spoiler session, starting with the episode 19 press release. Let’s get to it.

To start, we’ve got an official title for episode 19 of Magnum PI season 5. The writers decided to name this one, “ASHES TO ASHES.” It sounds like episode 19 will feature some very interesting, intense, scandalous, possible action-filled, suspenseful and emotional scenes as fatal arson tragedy gets investigated. Kumu and Rick do some important work and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the fatal arson investigation. Yep, it turns out that Magnum and Juliet will be very busy as they spend a large chunk of their time doing some re-examining of an arson tragedy that had some fatal results. During their investigation, they will indeed stumble upon something that’s quite sinister.

NBC’s official description for Magnum and Juliet’s arson investigation and sinister discovery reads like this, “Magnum and Higgins re-examine a fatal arson investigation at the request of TC and Mahina, leading to a sinister discovery.”

The second and last teaser description for this new episode 19 lets us know that Kumu and Rick will be in action at some point. When we see them, they will be doing some very noble work as they end up volunteering at a veterans’ crisis call center.

NBC’s description for Kumu and Rick’s volunteering efforts reads like this, “Kumu volunteers with Rick at a veterans’ crisis call center.”

Now, for the season 5 finale episode 20, it’s officially titled,”THE BIG SQUEEZE.” It sounds episode 20 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic, emotional and possible action-filled scenes as a major advancement in a relationship takes place, but is haunted by the past. TC looks to expand his horizons. A new business part is added to the fold.

NBC’s official description for the new episode 20 of Magnum PI season 5 reads like this,”Magnum and Higgins take a major step forward in their relationship. At the same time, the past comes back to haunt them when a previous suspect becomes their client. TC aims to scale up Island Hoppers. Rick gets a new business partner.”

NBC’s press release confirmed that the next, new finale episodes 19 and 20 of Magnum PI’s current season 5 are indeed scheduled to hit the air tonight, January 3, 2024, starting at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Magnum P.I.” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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