New 60 Minutes March 17, 2024 Episode Preview Revealed

New 60 Minutes March 17, 2024 Episode Preview Revealed

Hey, “60 Minutes” fans. We’re back at you with another new preview session for your favorite news show 60 Minutes because CBS does have a another new episode all queued up and ready to go for you tonight, March 17, 2024. Tonight’s new episode will be the 24th one for this current season 56, and we’ve got some new preview info for it to run by you.

CBS dished out an official press release for tonight’s new episode 24. So, that is was what we will certainly take a look at for this preview session. Let’s do it.

In tonight’s new, March 17, 2024 episode 24, the 60 Minutes team will present 2, new segments. The first segment is titled, “THE CAPITAL OF FREE RUSSIA.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “As Russia’s 2024 presidential election looms, many of the incumbent Vladimir Putin’s political opponents are dead or in exile.

Correspondent Scott Pelley meets some of those who defied Putin and were forced to flee to the nearby capital of Vilnius, Lithuania, home to a growing number of Russia’s most prominent dissidents. Henry Schuster is the producer.”

The second and last segment for tonight’s new episode 24 is titled, “HEALING JUSTICE.” CBS’ description for it reads like this, “It’s rare for 60 MINUTES to follow a story for 15 years, but Lesley Stahl reports on Jennifer Thompson, a rape victim who learned years after her attack that an innocent man had been sent to prison, a story Stahl covered in 2009.

In this era of DNA exonerations, Thompson has come to believe that crime victims are forgotten, and even blamed, when the justice system gets it wrong. She has created Healing Justice, an organization that brings together the wrongfully convicted, crime victims and family members for multi-day intensive retreats and invites 60 MINUTES to come along as they share their stories and move together on a path of healing. This is a double-length segment. Shari Finkelstein is the producer.”

CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 24 of 60 Minutes’ current season 56 is indeed scheduled to make its way to the air tonight, March 17, 2024, starting at approximately 6 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “60 Minutes” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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