Survivor April 10, 2024 Voted Off Tim Spicer & Soda Thompson (Recap)

Survivor April 10, 2024 Voted Off Tim Spicer & Soda Thompson (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, April 10, 2024, another new episode of Survivor’s current season 46 did indeed hit the air and another two, unlucky contestants got voted off this time. Tonight’s new episode kicked off with talk about the last tribal council meeting that sent Moriah Gaynor packing.

Venus told the private cams, she thinks Soda wrote her name down. Tevin told the private cams that Soda and Venus are showing how untrustworthy they are. Charlie was the one who really wrote Venus’ name down, and he told Venus that. So, Q chewed Charlie out for it. Charlie apologized to Q but, he told the private cams, “Q is running the show. So, I need to get Q out of this game.” At one point, Ben had a panic attack, and Kenzie comforted him.

After all of that, host Jeff Probst showed up with another immunity challenge. During it, they had to balance on a triangular platform for as long as they could. The last person standing, won. They were divided into two teams of 6. So, two people got immunity, which also meant that two people were getting voted off later on. Jeff explained that there’s going to be two tribal council meetings, and the first person voted off won’t make jury.

The two teams turned out to be: Kenzie, Tiffany, Tim , Q, Hunter and Ben for the Orange team, and Maria, Tevin, Venus, Charlie, Soda and Liz for the purple team. The one who lasted the longest for each team won individual immunity.

The one who lasted the longest overall won immunity, a reward meal for their team along with being the second group to go to tribal council. So, whoever got voted off from that group got a guaranteed spot on the jury. Kenzie won immunity for her team. Maria won overall to claim immunity and the reward prize, which was coffee, tea, food and more.

Venus told the private cams Charlie is a target. Tevin told the private cams he has some other plans in mind and wants to pull off a blindside. Q told the private cams that he threw the immunity challenge. Q also told the private cams, “Tim is going home tonight, and he just doesn’t know it.”

Soda told Charlie she wants to try and get Venus out. Soda told Tevin, “We need to get Venus out.” Tevin agreed. However, Tevin told the private cams, “I can’t really read Soda that well lately, and she talks a lot.” Tevin told Liz he wants to blindside Soda and get her out. Tevin told Maria his plan to get Soda out saying, “I don’t know what kind of game Soda’s playing.” He also told Charlie he’s looking to get Soda out.

Venus pitched to Mariia to get Tevin out. Maria told the private cams, “Venus made a mistake doing that. I’m in a big alliance with Tevin.” Venus pitched to Charlie to vote off Tevin.

Maria told the private cams, “I don’t trust Venus. She’s sneaky, conniving and dangerous.” Maria also told Venus, “I felt like you were trying to tell me what to do” with her pitch to get out Tevin. So, Venus told the private cams that she’s nervous. Charlie told the private cams, “I don’t think I can trust Venus with anything. She’s totally chaotic. Soda is a very good social threat.”

Tiffany told the private cams that she thinks Ben is a bigger threat than Tim and should go home. Q told Hunter that Tim’s gotta go. Q, Kenzie and Tiffany kept talking about who they wanted to vote off. Q kept changing his mind a lot, and Tiffany and Kenzie didn’t like it because they felt like they should be voting together, but the plan was to either vote off Ben or Tim.

At Team Kenzie, Tiffany, Tim, Q, Hunter and Ben’s tribal council meeting, they did some general game talk before casting their votes. Hunter got 2 votes, and Tim received 4 votes. So, with the votes, Tim got voted off.

Hunter gave Tim a hug. Tim said, “Love ya’ll” on the way out. Tim told the private cams, “They got me. Technically, I lost, but I didn’t have to follow anybody. I was a leader. I’ll get over it.”

At Team Maria, Tevin, Venus, Charlie, Soda and Liz’s tribal council meeting, they also did some general game talk before casting their votes. Venus ended up getting 2 votes, and Soda received 4 votes. So, with the 4 votes, Soda got voted off.

Soda said, “Wow, I did not see that coming. I love all you guys. I hope you crush it, man.” Soda told the private cams, “I did not see that coming at all. Excellent move. I got to be on my favorite TV show ever and be on the jury. I’m just so happy I get to be apart of it all.”

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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