Big Brother July 25, 2024 Evicted Matt Hardeman (Recap)

Big Brother July 25, 2024 Evicted Matt Hardeman (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, July 25, 2024, the very first LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother’s current season 26 did indeed air, and we saw the first unlucky houseguest get evicted at the end of it.

Tonight’s new episode kicked off with footage of what happened in the house after the current HOH (Head Of Household) Angela put up Matt as a replacement nominee for Lisa after she used her veto to take herself off the block at the last POV ceremony.

Angela told the private cams, “I nominated Matt because he had it coming to him. He knows what he did. Hopefully, he will walk out the door and say goodbye.” Kenney told the private cams, “I have to win the AI Arena and get myself off the block.”

Kimo told the private cams, “I gotta make sure I have the votes to stay.” Matt told the private cams, “Why me? Why am I always the target? I will have no problem going after Angela next week. I think the houseguests knowing that, will be my saving grace.”

Makensy told the private cams, “I didn’t use my America’s veto on Matt because I wanna keep myself safe. If he doesn’t win BB AI Arena, he’s got the votes.” Matt told the private cams, “I’m confident I have the votes to stay if I don’t win AI Arena, but I’ve still got some work to do.”

Cedric told the private cams, “Angela killed the collective alliance. So, Matt’s offer of an alliance seems attractive.” Matt tried to create a new Barbershop alliance with: Leah, Cedric, Rubina, Makensy, Cam and Brooklyn in an effort to make sure he landed their votes to stay. They seemed to agree to it in the moment.

They showed more Makensy and Matt Showmance moments. Makensy told the private cams, “Matt’s slowly breaking down my walls.”

Angela told Kenney, “I wanna see you kick Matt’s butt in the BB AI Arena.” Kenney didn’t agree with that saying, “Matt’s my number one ally.” He went on to tell Angela, “I haven’t liked your decisions. I’m in this position because of you.”

Angela said, “I’m glad I put you up because you don’t seem to want this bad enough. I know what’s going to happen to me next week. I don’t want Matt staying in this game and putting me on the block.” Kenny told the private cams, “I want to win the BB AI Arena and make sure Matt stays in the game.”

Next, the eviction nominees Matt, Kenney and Kimo competed LIVE in the BB AI Arena competition. The comp was titled,”Glitch In The System.” It was a mental comp, and Kimo won it to claim safety.

That means Matt and Kenney were the final nominees this week. Julie let all the rest of the houseguests know, and production gave Matt and Kenney a couple of minutes to pitch one last campaign for votes to the other houseguests.

Then, Matt and Kenny gave their final plea speeches, and the rest of the houseguests minus HOH Angela cast their votes to evict. Lisa, Makensy and Leah voted to evict Kenny. Kimo, T’kor, Brooklyn, Rubina, Quinn, Cam, Tucker and Joseph all voted to evict Matt. So, by a landslide vote of 8-3, Matt was evicted from the Big Brother season 26 house tonight. Oh, one other note: Cedric and Chelsie were not allowed to vote tonight due to them losing the BB AI, downgrade twist game on night one and two.

Afterwards, Matt gave his exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. He told her, “It’s hard getting evicted in this way. I told Makensy our story’s not over. I’ll find you when you get out of the house. I didn’t agree with how Angela treated me and what she said. However, it might be an opportunity for me to learn and grow.

I didn’t mean the words I said to Angela earlier on to be threatening to her, but I guess it came off that way to her.” Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

Tonight’s episode capped off with Matt’s exit speech. So, we won’t find out who the next HOH is until later on tonight on the LIVE feeds. We’ll be back with the next HOH competition results tomorrow sometime. Stay on the lookout for that. How do you guys feel about Matt getting evicted tonight? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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