Big Brother August 30 New HOH (Head Of Household) Winner Revealed (Spoilers)

Big Brother August 30 New HOH (Head Of Household) Winner Revealed (Spoilers)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’re back in your faces again with another very important update from inside the Big Brother season 26 house. Late last night, August 29, 2024, the latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition wrapped up, and we’ve got the results of it for you guys in this article. So, let’s just dive straight into who won the latest HOH competition right now.

As we previously reported, Tucker was finally sent packing during last night’s LIVE eviction episode. A couple of hours after that, the latest HOH competition wrapped up at around 11:05 pm pacific time, and it was Quinn who emerged as the winner! That means Quinn will be handling the HOH duties this week.

Yep, we’re going to see Quinn nominate another set of three unlucky houseguests later on today, August 30, 2024. We’re hearing that Quinn has already mentioned that he plans to put up Rubina, Angela right off the rip. Apparently , Quinn has run into issues with Rubina, and he thinks Angela is just an easy choice. That’s not surprising since Angela straight up told Quinn she doesn’t trust him after that last POV ceremony.

At around 11:05 PM pacific time yesterday, August 29, 2024, Quinn was seen telling T’kor that he is nominating Rubina this week because that bridge has already been burned.

At around 11:10 PM, Quinn told T’kor that T’kor, MJ, Chelsie, and Cam are all safe this week. He just built bridges with them and wouldn’t want to jeopardize that. At around 11:13 PM, Quinn told Cam, “I want to put Angela up because it feels easy, and I might put Rubina up because I’ve burned that bridge twice.” Quinn went on to say that he doesn’t actually want Angela to leave this week though. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

At around 11:20 PM, Quinn was seen telling Chelsie that he plans to nominate Angela and Rubina. “Rubina is one of my favorite people, but I’ve snaked her twice now,” he said.

At around 1:32 AM today, August 30, 2024, Quinn was seen telling Leah that Rubina will probably be his main target this week. At around 3:25 AM, Quinn and Joseph were seen agreeing to never nominate each other. Joseph also apologized to Quinn for hiding a final two deal he had with Tucker.

At around 4:05 AM, Rubina told Quinn, “I’m grateful that Tucker is gone because he was playing this game really dumb, and I have no hard feelings about the vote.” Quinn told her, “I’m going to do everything in my power to get Angela out this week. Angela broke my trust.”

At around 4:38 AM, Quinn was seen telling Kimo that Angela is his main target this week. However, if Angela wins the veto, Rubina would unfortunately be the backup target.

Judging from those LIVE feed conversations, we do expect to see Angela, Rubina and possibly Kimo going up on the eviction chopping block during Quinn’s nomination ceremony later on today. We’ll definitely be back on here with the results of it. So, definitely look out for that.

How do you guys feel about Quinn winning the latest HOH competition last night? Let us know in the comments section. Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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