Survivor September 25 Voted Off TK Foster In A Vicious Blindside (Recap)

Survivor September 25 Voted Off TK Foster In A Vicious Blindside (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, September 25, 2024, another new episode of Survivor’s current season 47 did indeed hit the air, and we saw another unlucky contestant get voted off in great blindside fashion.

Tonight’s new episode kicked off with Rome of the Lavo tribe deciding to tell Teeny about his advantage to build some trust. Teeny told the private cams, “This changes the plan I had for Rome. I feel like I have to work with him now.” Teeny told Kishan about Rome’s advantage, and they went to go look at it. Rome caught them looking at it. So, Rome told the private cams, “I don’t think I can trust Teeny as much as I thought I could.”

Rome decided to only take the idol that was good for one tribal council meeting instead of taking a risk and going for the 3 tribal council idol.

At Tuku, TK told the private cams, “Kyle is my number one.” TK told Tiyana he wants to try and work with her. She told him that’s a great idea. So, TK, Kyle and Tiyana agreed to align. Tiyana told the private cams, “I think Kyle is someone I could really lean on in this game.”

At Gata, Sam told the private cams that he wants Andy to rely on him in this game. Andy went looking for the advantage, and he found it (beware advantage). He decided not to take it with him and put it back in the tree. Then, come back and get it at another time.

At Lavo, Teeny told the private cams, “Rome’s bragging is annoying, and if he didn’t have that immunity idol, he’d be the first boot from our tribe.” Back at Gata, Sam found the advantage that Andy put back in the tree. Sam and Anika worked together to try and find the key for a little bit. Then, Sam told Sierra and Rachel about it. He and Rachel eventually found the key to open the immunity idol box.

Meanwhile, Andy discovered that his beware advantage had been found, and he told Sam all about it and that he thought one of the girls must have found it. Sam acted like he didn’t know anything about it, but he did tell the private cams, “I feel like I can trust Andy moving forward since he did tell me about finding the advantage.”

At Tuko, TK, Kyle and Tiyana tried to recruit Gabe to be in their alliance. Gabe acted like he was down with it, but he told the private cams that he’s not really with them. “Caroline and Sue are way more attractive to me because they’re at the bottom,” he said. So, Gabe campaigned to Caroline to work with him and Sue.

Caroline told the private cams, “I don’t trust Gabe whatsoever.” She also told Gabe she’s not sure about him. So, Gabe showed her his immunity idol. Then, Caroline told the private cams, “I might be able to work with Gabe.” Eventually, Sue, Caroline and Gabe got together and agreed to work together.

Sue told the private cams, “I can’t stand TK. He’s always talking when I’m trying to sleep.” Tiyana told the private cams, “I don’t know if I vibe with TK as a person, but he’s got the numbers right now.”

At Gata, Sam and Sierra found the idol box. Sam’s box offered him the opportunity to go for the 3-tribal council immunity idol, but he just settled for the one tribal council immunity idol. Sam told Sierra he wants to use the idol on Andy because he doesn’t feel comfortable moving forward with four girls and just him as the only male. Sierra told the private cams, “I don’t like the idea of keeping Andy. He’s unpredictable, but I’m rolling with Sam.”

At this point, host Jeff Probst showed up with a new immunity challenge. During it, they had to jump in the ocean and race to a tower to retrieve a big bag of rice. Bring the rice back to shore and get a key from a door maze to unclock a door. Cut the bag of rice open to get a ball. Maneuver the ball through a table maze until they could drop it into a hole for the win. Gata won it first. Lavo won it second. That means the Tuku tribe lost and had to figure out who to vote off at the tribal council meeting.

This immunity challenge also doubled as a reward challenge. The first place Gata tribe won a large Survivor fishing kit. The 2nd place Lavo tribe won a smaller Survivor fishing kit.

At Tuku, Tiyana and Kyle started talking about TK’s bad attitude after losing the immunity challenge. Tiyana felt disrespected by TK because he said, “I don’t like losing, and I don’t want to be associated with people who are ok with losing.”

Kyle tried to keep the peace between Tiyana and TK. TK told Tiyana none of what I said was directed at you specifically. They appeared to make up and agreed that they need to vote off Sue. TK told the private cams, “Gabe will do what I tell him to do.”

Meanwhile, Gabe told the private cams, “I need TK to feel like he has my vote so I can blindside him.” Gabe, Sue and Caroline made a plan to reel Tiyana to their side. Sue and Caroline presented the blindside idea to Tiyana. Tiyana told the private cams, “It’s hard because I don’t want to blindside Kyle while blindsiding TK.”

At the Tuku tribal council meeting, they did some general game talk before voting. Gabe used his immunity idol on himself just before the votes were read. So, any votes against Gabe would not count. Then, it was revealed that Sue got 2 votes, and TK received a whopping 4 votes. With the 4 votes, TK was voted off. He said, “Wow! Good stuff. No worries” on the way out.

Tk told the private cams,”It was a great move. I can’t be mad at it. This just proves to me that they don’t value winning. I’m excited for the future.”

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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