CBS Big Brother Recently Received Official, Confirmed News About Its Future

Alright, fellow Big Brother fans. So, as most of you are well aware of, the Big Brother reality show that we’ve all come to know and love faced a lot of offset turmoil this summer in the form of speculative reports about it possibly being canceled by CBS, or that it’s long time host Julie Chen could possibly quit hosting it.
We never had any doubts that the show was staying because at the end of the day, in the business world, money freaking talks. And Big Brother talks really loud for CBS during the summer. Now, we did have some doubts about Julie Chen returning to host Big Brother after her husband Les Moonves got fired from CBS as their network CEO.
However, some recent news from TMZ about CBS and Julie’s Chen’s camp revealed that both parties want to continue a working relationship. If TMZ sources are correct, we should expect to see Julie continuing to host Big Brother.
We know for a fact that both Celebrity Big Brother season 2 and regular Big Brother season 21 are in the works. We actually have some official confirmation from the show’s producer Allison Grodner in regards to the second season of Celebrity Big Brother.
Back in late September 2018, the people over at Big Brother Network got to interview Allison, and they straight up asked her if Celebrity Big Brother season 2 was still happening.
Allison responded with the following words, “Definitely! We have already started ,and we are so excited to dive into the next Celeb BB this winter!” She revealed that they’ve already started casting for Celebrity Big Brother season 2, and we got a very valuable hint that it will show up again this winter. Unfortunately,an exact premiere date hasn’t been revealed yet. That probably won’t happen for a couple of months. It just depends on when the show is actually going to premiere.
Last year, we saw Celebrity Big Brother season one premiere in early February 2018. News of its premiere date was released in early January 2018. So, I’m thinking we will find out when Celebrity Big Brother season 2 is set to premiere about a month before it actually does.
I’m thinking it’s going to premiere in either January or February. So, I would look for a premiere date announcement from CBS to arrive in either December 2018 or January 2019. In the meantime, we’re most likely to see all sorts of casting rumors just like last season. It’s funny. We saw so many rumors last year, and think only maybe two or three turned out to be true. So, we might report them, but definitely take them with a grain of salt.
As for the regular season 21, we have as close to officially confirmed news as one can get. On the CBS Big Brother Casting page,there’s a message that says they are currently casting for a brand new season. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t think they would be casting for a new season if there isn’t going to be one. It’s official enough for me.
Here’s the message that reads on their casting page for Big Brother: “Big Brother is now accepting applications! Welcome to the Big Brother casting website. All applicants must meet the eligibility requirements in order to be considered.
As always, our team will be traveling the country again this year searching for great game players. Please check back soon for open calls and events in a city near you.” You guys can view that Big Brother casting page and even apply if you want by Clicking Here.
Also, let’s not forget that host Julie Chen said at the end of the Big Brother season 20 finale show that Celebrity Big Brother season 2 is definitely happening. She also announced that casting for regular Big Brother season 21 has started. Again, that is some really good confirmation for us.
Ok, so with all of that said, I believe you guys can pretty much rest assured that the future of your favorite reality show is quite solid. If anything changes, we will definitely let you guys know. For now, expect both Celebrity Big Brother season 2 and regular Big Brother season 21 to arrive on time as usual. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.