Big Brother July 7, 2021 Season 23 Premiere Revealed 1st HOH & New Twists (Recap)
Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, July 7, 2021, the 23rd season of Big Brother did indeed premiere. It kicked off like it usually does with us getting introduced to the new cast. The CBS cameras visited them to give them the great news that they were casts on the show.
Derek F. Xavier, Frenchie, and Travis were the first group of 4 houseguests that entered the house. When they got in there, they already had to complete a competition for team captain. In this comp, they had to recreate a poster using layered images. Frenchie ended up winning it to be the first team captain.
The second group of 4 houseguests featured: Alyssa, Azah, Britini, and Whitney. They moved into the house and had to compete in the same competition as the first 4 houseguests for the team captain spot. Whitney ended up winning it.
The 3rd group of 4 houseguests featured: Brent, Kyland, Christian, and Derek X. They also competed for team captain. Christian won it.
The 4th group of houseguests featured: Hannah, Claire, Tiffany, and Sarah. They encountered the same situation as the other groups, and Claire pulled off the victory for team captain.
Next the captains picked their teams. Frenchie’s team name is Jokers, and he picked Azah, Britini and Derek F.
Whitney’s team name is Aces. She picked Brent, Derek X and Hannah.
Christain’s team name is Kings. He picked Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah.
Claire’s team name is Queens. She picked Kyland, Tiffany and Travis.
After the teams were selected, they had to compete in the first HOH competition of this season. It was titled, “House of Cards.” The teams played as a whole with the captains assembling a balance of pieces to form a card stack triangle. The captain of the winning team became the first Head of Household. The last place team were cursed with being the have-nots for the week.
After it was all said and done, it was Frenchie’s Jokers team that won the HOH competition. So, Frenchie is the first HOH this season. His entire Jokers team is safe from eviction for this week. Frenchie will be in charge of nominating two people for eviction.
Claire’s Queens team came in second place. Whitney’s Aces team got 3rd place. That means Christian’s Kings team got last place ,and they are cursed with the have-nots punishment for the week.
To cap off tonight’s premiere episode, host Julie Chen revealed that this season’s winner gets $750,000 dollars instead of the usual $500,000 dollar grand prize!
Julie also threw in a twist for Frenchie. She offered him a chance to win two weeks of safety for his Jokers team, but it came with a caveat. He had to land two oversized dice on a table in front of him in under 45 seconds. If he failed, he would no longer be the HOH this week. It would go to Claire, and his team members would lose their guaranteed safety from eviction this week.
Frenchie decided not to accept the offer from Julie and keep his HOH plus safety for one week for his team. However, they did let Frenchie do the special offer comp just for fun to see if he would have won it, and he did successfully do it. So, that kinda sucked for him. Oh, well.
Alright guys. That was the premiere of Big Brother season 23. The next new episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, July 11, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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