Big Brother 24 Taylor Hale Reportedly Dating Joseph Abdin Instead Of Monte

Big Brother 24 Taylor Hale Reportedly Dating Joseph Abdin Instead Of Monte

Hey,”Big Brother” fans. You guys remember Taylor Hale who just recently won Big Brother season 24 back in late September 2022 right? Of course you do, and we’re pretty sure you remember Joseph Abdin from her season. According to a recent article from , Taylor and Joseph have apparently coupled up in the post season instead of Taylor and Monte!

Those of you who remember this past season 24 of Big Brother know that Taylor did seem to have a thing with Joseph during the season. However, when he got voted out and sent to the jury house, Taylor ended up hooking up with her runner-up houseguest Monte Taylor, and it appeared that those two would be the ones exploring something outside of the Big Brother house.

However, that is not the case. Taylor has reportedly fallen back into the arms of Joseph, and we know exactly why. Taylor revealed to that the lies she was told in the house about Joseph turning on her during the “Split House” twist actually had something to do with her straying and starting up a temporary romance with Monte.

Taylor stated, “Joseph really was my rock, my sanity. He didn’t need to be in the beginning. So, knowing that my initial assumption about Joseph not turning on me was true, had I known circumstances were different, I probably would not have ended up in a second temporary showmance.”

Aside from that, Taylor also told she knew that she would somehow get together with Joseph ever since he kissed her during the Big Brother season 24 finale saying, “My connection with Joseph has been undeniable, and I knew from the moment he kissed me on finale night that we’d find a way to be together.

His heart is bigger than the galaxy, and now we have the privilege of sharing our hearts with each other. I love him so much. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.”

Joseph had lovely things to say about Taylor as well stating, “From the moment I saw Taylor, I knew she was something special. Our spark started within the show and we decided to wait until after the game. Since then, we have only gotten closer and confirmed what we already knew.

It has been a rollercoaster of an experience, but I wouldn’t want to share it with anyone else. She is a remarkable woman that I am so grateful to call mine. She may have won Big Brother, but I won so much more.”

Lastly, reported that Taylor revealed on one of her Instagram LIVE sessions that she and Joseph still need to have more conversations and stuff to see if they’ll actually make their current relationship a long term thing.

She said,”We are planning on locking it in eventually, but there’s stuff that needs to happen. There are conversations that need to happen. There’s real stuff that needs to go on. This is stuff that will impact out lives as individuals. And if we’re gonna work together in a life, we need to make sure things are set up long term.”

How do you guys feel about Big Brother season 24 castmates Taylor Hale and Joseph Abdin becoming a couple? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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