‘Diary Of A Wimpy Kid’ Movie Gets Pretty Good Reviews From Top Critics

‘Diary Of A Wimpy Kid’ Movie Gets Pretty Good Reviews From Top Critics

diary of a wimpy kid movie poster image

‘Diary Of A Wimpy Kid’ movie gets pretty good reviews from top critics. 20th Century Fox hit the mark pretty good with the release of its new family/comedy flick entitled, “Diary Of A Wimpy Kid” in theaters,today. Most of the top movie critics seemed to like it,giving it As and Bs,mostly Bs. However there were some that really didn’t take to it,and gave it a D and a C. The movie stars: Zachary Gordon, Chloe Moretz, Steve Zahn, Rachael Harris, Robert Capron, Devon Bostick, and Grayson Russell.

Ty Burr from the Boston Globe gave it a D+. He said, “I get it, I get it — redemption and life lessons await. But they’re awfully slow in coming and half-hearted when they appear, and by then we’ve lost patience.”

Roger Ebert over at the Chicago Sun-Times gave it a very strong A-. He stated, it was “nimble, bright and funny. It doesn’t dumb down. It doesn’t patronize. It knows something about human nature.”

Michael Phillips at the Chicago Tribune gave it a C-. He said, it was “an astonishing percentage of the books’ appeal has vanished.” Lisa Schwarzbaum from “Entertainment Weekly” gave it a B+ rating, stating, it was “a jaunty and forthright production with a lively look reflecting the book’s illustrated pages.”

Christopher Null over at Filmcritic.com gave it a B-. He said, “My seven-year-old daughter, who’s been raging to see this movie since it was announced, has already called it ‘life-changing.’ How do you argue with that?”

Kirk Honeycutt from the “Hollywood Reporter” gave it a very good B. He stated, “Fortunately, the kid’s adventures aren’t wimpy, but wry and observant.” “Diary Of A Wimpy Kid” movie is in theaters now. You can read more movie reviews at Yahoo! Movies by Clicking Here.

Get your “Diary Of A Wimpy Kid” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here.

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