New Avatar 2 To Bring Back Sigourney Weaver As A Different Character,New Details

New Avatar 2 To Bring Back Sigourney Weaver As A Different Character,New Details

 sigourney weaver image

Recently, the folks over at The Hollywood Reporter were able to chat it up with “Avatar” movie director, James Cameron, and he dropped some major news by revealing that Sigourney Weaver, whose Grace Augustine character died in the first film, will end up returning, anyways, as a completely different character in part 2 and beyond, sort of pulling an “American Horror Story” trick on us.

Cameron told them: “Sigourney and I have a long creative history, dating back to 1985 when we made Aliens. We’re good friends who’ve always worked well together,so it just feels right that she’s coming back for the Avatar sequels. Her character of Grace Augustine, as fans know, died in the first movie, so she’s playing a different and in many ways more challenging character in the upcoming films.

We’re both looking forward to this new creative challenge, the latest chapter in our long and continuing collaboration.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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