This Is Us Season 5, January 19, 2021 Episode 7 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

This Is Us Season 5, January 19, 2021 Episode 7 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “This Is Us” fans. We had to jump on here ,real quick, because NBC pulled a little switcheroo on us. It turns out that they have decided not to air the next, new episode 7 of This Is Us’ current season 5 tonight, January 19, 2021. We have absolutely no idea why they did that. We just know that they did.

It gets worse, we’ve also been informed that NBC will not air the new episode 7 next Tuesday night,January 26, 2021. Currently, the date we’re told for the airing of episode 7 will finally land on Tuesday night, February 9, 2021 in its usual 8 pm central standard time slot on NBC of course. So, be sure to memorize that very important date and time ,or write it down on something. Put in your phone. Whatever. Just don’t forget it.

So, what is NBC airing instead of the next, new episode 7 of This Is Us’ current season 5 tonight? Well, according to the TV guide listings, NBC is going to air a repeat episode of This Is Us. It will be the 14th episode of last season 4 titled,”The Cabin.”

NBC’s official description for it reads like this, “The Big Three reconnect at the family cabin.”

After that date, it’s totally up in the air what NBC is going to air. All we see, right now, is some “to be announced” stuff. So, you’ll have to play that by ear.

If any of you guys are up for watching that repeat episode of This Is Us tonight, you may very well want to still watch NBC like you normally would.

On the other hand, if you absolutely don’t wish to watch a repeat episode of This Is Us, you will definitely want to find something else to watch or do as quick as possible.

With all of that said, NBC did serve up some new info for the next, new episode 7 of This Is Us’ current season 5 via their official, episode 7 press release.

So, we’re going to take a look at that. If you don’t like spoiler teasers, we do highly recommend that you exit this article right now.

If you do like reading spoiler scoops, we definitely advise that you stick around until the end of this article. Now that you’ve been spoiler warned so to speak, let’s get into this new episode 7 press release.

First thing’s first. Episode 5 is officially titled, “There.” It sounds like episode 5 will feature some intense, possible dramatic and interesting scenes.

In the new episode 7, Kevin will face a little adventure at some point as he will embark upon a road trip to only God knows where. What we can tell you is this trip will cause Kevin a lot of stress according to NBC.

Elsewhere, there will be a scene that features Jack and a younger version of Kevin. In particular scene, these two will be headed out to a football training camp.

NBC’s official description for episode 7 reads like this, “Kevin embarks on a stressful road trip. Jack and young Kevin go to a football training camp.”

Again, the next, new episode 7 of This Is Us’ current season 5 is scheduled to finally arrive on Tuesday night,February 9, 2021 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on NBC.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “This Is Us” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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