Big Brother August 3, 2023 HOH (Head Of Household) Winner Revealed

Big Brother August 3, 2023 HOH (Head Of Household) Winner Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’re back with another new update from inside the Big Brother season 25 house. The very first HOH (Head Of Houehold) competition took place earlier today, and we’ve got a winner to reveal to you guys.

As we previously reported last night, 4 houseguests got nominated for eviction during the LIVE, premiere episode 1 due to the Multiverse twist that sent the losing person of four competitions straight to the chopping block. Those four people are: Cory, Felicia, Kirsten and Jared.

According to the folks over at Big Brother Network and the Big Brother LIVE feeds, the person who won today’s first HOH competition was Reilly. It’s currently unclear what will happen in terms of nominations with Reilly’s HOH because 4 people already got automatically nominated for eviction last night.

We can tell you that there will still be a POV (Power Of Veto) competition. It’ll probably get played either tomorrow, August 4, 2023 or Saturday, August 5, 2023. Whatever the case, we’ll report the results to guys when it happens.

Actually, we were able to get some more very interesting insights from some important live feed conversations. At around 2:26 Pacific time today, August 3, 2023, Jag, Jared, Red, and Matt were are all talking with each other. During this conversation, Jag confirmed that as HOH, Reilly will be able to take two of the 4 houseguests off the chopping block. So, whoever wants to get off that block better try to get in good with Reilly this week.

It appears that Jared , Luke and Matt have formed an early, 3-person alliance with each other. They were seen talking about possibly bringing in Jag and Reilly into their group at around 2:50 pm. We’re also hearing that Jared currently has a pretty good relationship with some of Reilly’s allies. So, that could help him get a ticket off the chopping block. We’ll have to wait and see.

How do you guys feel about Reilly winning the first HOH competition of this season? Let us know in the comments section. Again, we’ll be back to reveal any important, new developments that take place in the house. So, be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

Alright, guys. That’s going to be a wrap for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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