Top Critics Gave ‘Pirate Radio’ Movie Pretty Good Reviews

Top Critics Gave ‘Pirate Radio’ Movie Pretty Good Reviews

pirate radio movie poster image

Top critics gave ‘Pirate Radio’ movie pretty good reviews. Focus Features studio released their new comedy, “Pirate Radio” this weekend.

Based on the critics’ review of the film,it looks like it could be a good one to checkout. The movie trailer certainly looked entertaining.

Roger Ebert from the Chicago Sun-Times gave it a B. He said, “…The wall-to-wall ’60s rock keeps things bright.”

Geoff Berkshire of the Chicago Tribune gave it a C- rating. He stated, that it was “A soundtrack in search of a movie.”

Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly gave it a B-. She said, “…The choppy production floats on a great soundtrack.”

Christopher Null over at rated it a B- as well,stating, “…Mostly entertaining and inoffensive and often quite funny.”

James Berardinelli from Reelviews Movie Reviews gave it another B. He said, “…A movie primarily driven to provide a Valentine to ’60s rock-and-roll.”

Peter Travers of Rolling Stone gave it a C+. He stated, that it was an “…Appealingly ramshackle comedy.”

Get your “Pirate Radio” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here .

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