‘The Hangover’ Movie Success Spawns an All Girl Version

‘The Hangover’ Movie Success Spawns an All Girl Version

the hangover movie image

According to my sources there is going to be an all girl version of the hit movie, “The Hangover”. The movie is going to be titled “Business Trip”, and the plot will entail a group of women who go on a trip and then get distracted by misadventure. It’s reported to be in it’s early stages. Chris Bender and J.C. Spink are going to produce the film.

As reported before, there is also a regular sequel to “The Hangover” which is currently being written, and they plan to start production on it in the fall of 2010. It will bring back the same actors : Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis. There’s no word on if Justin Bartha who played the groom, will return.

I’m not sure if an all girl version will have the same effect as the guys,but who knows. If they cast it well, I guess anything’s possible.

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