Courtney Cox Wouldn’t Mind Filming With “Twilight’ Movie Guys

Courtney Cox Wouldn’t Mind Filming With “Twilight’ Movie Guys

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According to E! online, former “Friends” star, Courtney Cox has revealed that she wouldn’t mind shooting a couple of scenes with some of the “New Moon” and “Twilight” movie guys on her new ABC TV show, “Cougar Town.” It’s a comedy,and Courtney plays a 40 year old single mom who likes to date younger guys.

Courtney’s co-star said she ran the idea by her,saying, “Why don’t we get the Twilight guys.”

Courtney was into the idea. She stated, “We’ll have to do that.If the show is a success I’m sure it will be easy to do. But we’ll have to see how it goes first.”

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