Top Critics Gave ‘She’s Out Of My League’ Movie Mediocre Reviews

Top Critics Gave ‘She’s Out Of My League’ Movie Mediocre Reviews

she's out of my league movie poster image

Top critics gave ‘She’s Out Of My League’ movie mediocre reviews. Dreamworks Pictures released its new romantic/comedy movie, “She’s Out Of My League” in theaters today. It stars: Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve, T.J. Miller, Nate Torrence, Krysten Ritter, Geoff Stults, Lindsay Sloane, and Mike Vogel. A couple of the top movie critics did like it, or thought it was ok,but most of them thought it was pretty poor as far as comedy goes.

Roger Ebert from the Chicago Sun-Times gave it 4 stars. He said, “The movie is not a comedy classic. But in a genre where so many movies struggle to lift themselves from zero to one, it’s about, oh, a six point five.”

Frank Scheck over at the Hollywood Reporter gave it another 4 stars. He stated, “What threatened to be yet another routine exercise in raunchiness instead turns out to be a sweet, charming, hilariously funny love story that could emerge as a sleeper hit.”

Peter Travers at Rolling Stone gave it 4 stars as well. He said, it was “A rowdy blast because the spiky young cast treats the played-out script like virgin territory. That’s acting!” Lucy Barber at the Boston Globe gave it 3 stars. She said, “While Baruchel is fun to root for and watch flail about like a pipe-cleaner in the wind, this movie encourages a sick desire in me — to see Michael Cera and all the runners-up in the Mr. Puniverse Contest knocked down a peg by a bully with a neck the size of a tree trunk.”

USA Today’s Claudia Puig gave it 3 stars. She said, “Plausibility aside, the key to making the scenario work is comedy. Much can be forgiven if it delivers enough laughs. That’s the main problem here. It’s short on clever humor and big on convention and formula.”

Owen Gleiberman from “Entertainment Weekly” gave it 3 stars. He said, “If you’re hungry to see a romantic comedy about a genetically and culturally imbalanced geek-meets-babe relationship that makes the one in Knocked Up look like the quintessence of plausible human mating, then by all means subject yourself to the one-joke sub–Judd Apatow snark-athon that is She’s Out of My League.”

Mike Hale at the New York Times gave it 2 stars. He stated, “If you’re going to make a romantic comedy called She’s Out of My League about a schlubby nice guy and a pneumatic blonde, the last thing you want is for the audience to be left thinking: “He’s right. She’s way out of his league.”

John Anderson over at Variety gave it 2 stars. He said, “This appealingly cast movie seesaws from unlikely thoughtfulness to imbecilic vulgarity.” Scott Tobias at The Onion gave it 2 stars. He said, “Baruchel and Eve never shed that awkward first-date chemistry, which speaks less to their talents or the possibilities of mismatched romance than to a movie that forces them together like animals being mated in captivity.”

Walter Addiego at the San Francisco Chronicle gave it a 2 star rating as well. He said, it was “About as close to pure mall fodder as you’ll see.” “She’s Out Of My League” movie is in theaters now. You can checkout more movie reviews at Moviefone by Clicking Here.

Get your “She’s Out Of My League” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here.

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1 Response

  1. Jimmy Graffin says:

    She’s out of my league is funny. See it. Its laugh out loud stuff. I think the critics are either jaded or expecting that which is beyond human, this is a romantic comedy, not a documentary on endangered species or a dramatic tour de force.

    Its funny, it pulls you in, it has charming, pathetic and human characters it has an appeal to anyone who ever rooted for the underdog.

    “God, you gays smell good.” – how can you not like a movie with lines like that? (context and character turn words into magic – see it and understand)

    An enjoyable ensemble piece, the sum of the parts makes the entire affair a joy to watch. If you’ve ever been embarrassed by your family in public, you can relate to this movie.

    I love the characters, they are so real. I could match them to people I have known.

    An unexpected joy, what more can one ask for from the cinema?

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