New ‘Sanctum’ Movie Delivered Lots Of Intense Drama & Death Scenes

New ‘Sanctum’ Movie Delivered Lots Of Intense Drama & Death Scenes

sanctum movie poster image

New ‘Sanctum’ movie delivered lots of intense drama & death scenes. Universal Pictures released their new drama/thriller flick “Sanctum” into movie theaters this weekend. I just checked it out,and thought that it was pretty good. It was a very intense and emotional movie. It stars: Richard Roxburgh, Rhys Wakefield, Ioan Gruffudd, Alice Parkinson, and Dan Wyllie.

“Sanctum” revolved around a group of underwater cave divers who appeared to be having a great time when they arrived at one of the most beautiful and least accessible cave systems on planet Earth. Unfortunately, there good times wouldn’t last long.

The group consisted of about 7 or 8 people,but that number quickly dwindled down as the movie rolled along. The group was led by character Frank who was a very experienced master diver. One lady drowns to death when her oxygen line accidentally gets cut while diving deep with Frank. They were too deep to make it back to the surface,so it just didn’t workout for her.

Shortly after that, the bad misfortune flooded in on them,both literally and figuratively as a break in the cave allowed massive amounts of water to come flooding in. At this point, they had only a couple of hours to a day to exit the cave before it was completely flooded.

Their first exit gets blocked in,so they had to find another way out of the cave. As they tried to find another way out of the cave, they started meeting their deaths. One guy fell off some rocks that were really high up. Another guy died from complications from a dive. Then one lady drowned after falling of some rocks. A lot of the deaths seemed really preventable. People just made dumb decisions. Each death ended with someone drowning,or being forced to drown because their condition was so bad that living didn’t seem like the best option.

After a long journey to make it out of the cave,oddly enough, only one person made it out;and that person just barely made it out. What I got out of the movie,is that maybe these people shouldn’t have taken this trip. That’s pretty much it. Other than that,it just seemed sort of pointless. There was a lot of heated moments between some of the crew members as their emotions got the better of them,which provided some good drama scenes

I liked the movie because it was entertaining. There was never a dull moment. As far as the storyline goes,there wasn’t really much else to it. The people just got caught up in bad situations while trying to explore this unique cave,and died. It almost kind of reminded me of those “Final Destination” movies accept all the deaths took place in a flooded underwater cave. I gave the movie a B-. “Sanctum” movie is in theaters now. Get your “Sanctum” movie tickets by Clicking Here.

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