Big Brother 17 Steve Moses Won The Entire Show Tonight,September 23rd

Big Brother 17 Steve Moses Won The Entire Show Tonight,September 23rd

Tonight’s finale show, kicked off with footage of what happened during the entire season. Then they showed footage of the first 2 rounds of the final HOH comp. Vanessa won the first endurance challenge by getting into Liz’s head. Then Steve just edged out Liz in the 2nd comp which was a quiz/physical challenge.

After that, they showed footage of Big Brother legend, Dr. Will, returning to talk with the jury, and help them decide who they would possibly vote for. Then the final 3rd round of the last HOH went down, and Steve just edged out Vanessa for the win by getting 5 questions right to her 4.

From there, Steve proceeded to give Vanessa the bad news that he was evicting her because she was just too damn good for him to beat in the final 2, leaving him and Liz as the final 2. Julie chatted up Vanessa for a short exit interview before bringing out the entire jury cast to join the live crowd.

Then Vanessa joined them to ask Steve and Liz a couple of questions before they delivered their final plea speech. Steve did a great job as he heavily rehearsed each answer, and Liz was just so, so.

After the jury casts their votes, Julie brought out the first 6 evicted houseguests: Audrey, Da’Vonne,Jason,Jeff, Jace and Clay to get few questions out of them. From there, Julie finally revealed that Shelly,James,Becky ,Meg,Johnny Mac and Jackie all voted for Steve.

Austin, Vanessa and Julia voted for Liz. So, with a vote of 6-3, Steve took home the grand prize of $500,000 and bragging rights of being the winner of Big Brother season 17! Much congrats to Steve. I would’ve like to have seen Vanessa win it, but oh well. Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite TV show stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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