Big Brother October 12, 2023 Evicted Cameron Hardin (Recap)

Big Brother October 12, 2023 Evicted Cameron Hardin (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, October 12, 2023, another new, LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother’s current season 25 did indeed show up, and we saw another houseguest leave the house at the end of it and go off to the jury house.

Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kiced off with footage of Cameron catching wind that he might get backdoored this week. Reigning HOH Bowie Jane told Cameron, “If the veto is used at the POV (Power Of Veto Ceremony), you’re going on the block.” After that, we got footage of Cameron trying to convince Jag not to use the veto by pitching that he and Blue can be a shield for them moving forward, and go after America and Cory for them.

Next, we were taken back to the POV ceremony footage. During it, Jag used the veto to take Felicia off the chopping block. Then, Bowie Jane nominated Cameron to go up as a replacement nominee. So, Cameron and Cirie were the final nominees for this week.

Jag told the private cams aka Diary Room, “Cameron should go out the door now.” Cameron told Bowie,”You don’t owe me anything, but you’ve shown your character.” Bowie said, “Yep, and I’m glad I did.” Bowie told the private cams, “I nominated Cameron because he’s been lying through his teeth about me.”

Cirie told the private cams, “Sitting next to Cameron on the block is not a bad spot to be in.” Cameron tried to campaign that Jag and Matt are about to steamroll over the house. Cameron tried to pitch to Blue to help him go after Jag and Matt. Blue told the private cams, “I’m not doing that to save his dusty a#%. He got the wrong number with me.”

Cameron also tried to pitch a plan of going after Jag and Matt to Cory. Cory told the private cams, “I trust Jag and Matt way more than I trust Cameron. I am not flipping on them right now.”

There was a segment featuring how much a problem Matt has with trying to hear all the whispering that goes on in the house because he’s def. He got a pep talk from Jag and Felicia.

Cameron warned Cirie that Jag and Matt are running everything, and she agreed. Cirie warned Blue by telling her “Matt and Jag are trying to get you to do their dirty work in getting rid of Cory,” and she agreed.

After all of that, the two eviction nominees Cirie and Cameron gave their final plea speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests minus reigning HOH Bowie Jane casts their votes to evict.

Matt, Blue, Felicia, Jag, America and Matt all voted to evict Cameron. No one voted to evict Cirie. So, by a unanimous vote of 6-0, Cameron was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 25 house tonight. Cameron gave everyone a hug on the way out. Then, he gave his exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves.

During it, Cameron told Julie, “I said the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person out of paranoia. So, this was my fault tonight. A piece of mistrust crept up between me and Bowie. Sometimes, I talked too much, and it damaged some alliances. I would change a lot of things if I could do this over again. I would take a piece of advice from Cirie, which is “You don’t always have to tell someone what you think of them.”

After the Cameron exit interview, host Julie Chen-Moonves revealed to the remaining houseguests that this week will be Comic week. She revealed that there will be invisibility shields to hide the identity of the HOH. Also, the houseguests will see double vetoes. So, that should all be pretty interesting.

They didn’t even attempt to show a LIVE HOH competition tonight. So, we’re going to have to let you guys know who won it when the results become available via the LIVE feeds later on tonight or tomorrow sometime. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

How do you guys feel about Cameron Hardin getting evicted tonight? Let us know in the comments section. Alright, guys. That is all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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