Big Brother 19 Jessica And Cody Confronted Paul Over Josh Last Night,New Details

Alright, so last night was a huge night. Paul’s plan to get Ramses voted out over Josh went off without a hitch. However, Jessica and Cody definitely were not pleased because they wanted Josh to leave.
Right after the Live show ended, the live feeds came on at 7:01pm Pacific time. And surely enough, Cody and Jessica were seen confronting Paul over the voting discrepancies that took place. Paul went right into damage-control mode by telling them that it was nothing personal against them two. It was just in the best interest of most of the houseguests to vote out Ramses. Paul also said he’s just one person. There were multiple other houseguests that wanted him out.
He said Ramses could not be trusted and that he would’ve probably turned on them the next week. Cody and Jessica said they understood but were upset that they were left out of the plan. Paul rebutted that argument by telling them that he obviously couldn’t tell them about the plan because they were pushing so hard to keep Ramses in the house.
Jessica tried to run some BS on Paul by saying that maybe she would have agreed to go along with the plan to get Ramses out if she would’ve been told about it. Paul didn’t buy that for a second and brought up the time where Jessica specifically stated that she would be very upset if Ramses went home.
Eventually, after countless times of explaining this over and over again to Jess and Cody, they just decided to let it go. They said as long as it wasn’t them that left the house, they were fine. Paul also told Jess that the house was happy that she put up Ramses implying that she shouldn’t have to worry about any negative repercussions this week because of how she ran her HOH.
As we all know, Paul is the reigning HOH after winning last night’s HOH comp. We’re currently still waiting to see who he’s going to nominate for eviction this week. Nominations are going on right now. We should get an answer for you soon. Stay tuned. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.