Big Brother 19 POV Ceremony Results Revealed Today August 14th

Big Brother 19 POV Ceremony Results Revealed Today August 14th

Earlier today, August 14,2017, the Big Brother season 19 houseguests had their big POV ceremony for this week. Unfortunately, no big surprises played out here. When the ceremony started, Jason, Elena and Matt were on the chopping block.

Just to recap, Matt was automatically put on the chopping block as third nominee for losing the temptation competition that he apparently threw so that Cody wouldn’t have a chance to play for the Power Of Veto. Matt also won the POV. So, things worked out great for him. And of course, Jason and Elena were current HOH Alex’s eviction nominations. They are pawns for the “backdoor Cody: The Sequel” plan.

It all went down as planned. Matt did use the veto to take Jason off the block so Alex could replace Jason with Cody to set up the backdoor plan. As previously explained, Matt couldn’t use the POV on himself for this to work because no one can take Matt’s place on the block. The only people that could be replaced were one of Alex’s nominations.

Alright, so the situation that we have right now is Cody, Elena and Matt sitting on the chopping block. Cody is the target for the house to get rid of this week. If nothing crazy happens before this Thursday night, we should see Cody walk out the door and become the first member of the jury house.

As previously reported, Cody did attempt to approach Alex and Jason with a deal last night. However, he couldn’t offer them much. He basically told them they would have to literally win out until the end if they decided to roll with him! Needless to say, Jason and Alex didn’t find that offer to be too appealing.

Cody’s argument was if they don’t strike now, when will they ever strike? He also tried to tell them that they’re always going to be thrown up on the block once he leaves and will have to keep alternating winning HOH to stick around. Jason and Alex didn’t buy it and told him they just don’t have the numbers to try to execute his wild plan.

In fact, Alex and Jason found it to be quite humorous. So, they had a bit of laugh fest at various times with Paul, Christmas and Josh. I mean they were literally laughing it up until the morning hours today. Paul currently still thinks Cody is going to try something else before Thursday night. Hopefully, Cody will do something to entertain us before he meets his eviction fate.

Alright guys. That’s all the intel that we have for now. If something else goes down, we’ll definitely let you guys know. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

Derek Smith
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