Some Very Interesting Big Brother 19 Future Plot Twists Were Revealed Yesterday August 21st

According to Big Brother Network, a ton of different conversations took place on the live feeds yesterday, August 21st. Apparently, since the houseguests feel like this week is a lock to get Mark out, they’ve been plotting and planning their future moves. And let me tell you it sounds like we could see quite a bit of chaos as Paul has one side pitted to go after the other side and vice versa.
He is absolutely making sure everyone is focusing on going after everyone but him, Josh and Christmas. At 4:25 pm pacific time August 21st, Josh told Matt, Paul and Christmas, “We can’t let Jason or Alex win the next HoH because they might try to come after one of us. Matt said he wants to put up Alex or Jason. He thinks Jason might be a loose cannon without Alex.
At one point, Paul mentioned that he’s worried someone might try to use him as a pawn and then the houseguests might be tempted to vote him out.
At around 4:42 pm, Paul did another one of his private cam conversations and revealed that he currently thinks Matt and Raven might be just as good to be in a final 3 with as Christmas and Josh. He also said that he wanted to make sure Alex stays in the game so she can be a target before him.
At around 5:13 pm, Josh expressed worry to Paul. He thinks Matt might not be willing to go after Alex and Jason if he happens to win HOH. Paul didn’t agree. Josh also talked about the possibilities of him, Christmas and Paul getting nominated. He’s worried that there will be a temptation to get one of them out.
Around 7:22 pm, Josh revealed that he definitely wants to take a shot at getting Jason or Alex out if he wins HOH. He thinks if Alex and Jason get any further in the game, they’ll be too strong to get rid of.
At around 9:51 pm, Paul had a chat with Matthew and Raven. He told them, “If Matt makes a move against Alex and Jason, we can push Kevin as the target next time to keep Matt safe.” Raven and Matt thought about who Alex and Jason would go after if they won HOH. They came to the conclusion that they would probably go after Kevin. However, one of them would be used as a pawn.
At around 10:14 pm, Christmas told Paul that she thinks Raven and Matt would be easier to beat in the later rounds over Alex and Jason. Christmas also revealed that she thought about putting Alex up instead of Mark at the POV Ceremony and is now doubting if she did the right thing. Paul reassured her that she did the right thing by putting Mark up.
Christmas also said that she’s thinking more clearly and strategically since she’s off that nerve medication. So, she really has been drugged up this whole time. That’s too funny. Next, Christmas told Paul that she thinks Raven and Matt are more on their side than Jason and Alex. At one point, Paul told Christmas, “I don’t think Matt and Raven have the nerve to make a move.” Christmas agreed with that assessment.
At around 11 pm, Matt told Paul that he would want to be the one to take a shot at getting Jason out so that Raven can maintain a relationship with Alex. After that, Paul ran back and told Christmas about he and Matt’s discussion. He said Matt is really working hard to protect Raven.
From there, Paul revealed that he plans to get Alex to go after Matt and Raven. In addition to that, he wants to tell her that Kevin is coming for her.
At around 11:50 pm, Alex told Jason that they should go after Matthew, Kevin and Raven next. At a different moment, Alex said she’s ok with Paul being in a final 3 situation with her and Jason even though she’s worried he would get all the jury votes in a final 2 scenario. Her logic is that she thinks Paul deserves to be in the final 3.
At around 12:05 am today, August 22nd, Alex told Jason, “We need to stick with Paul because he hasn’t wronged us yet and I don’t think he will.” Next, she expressed that she thinks Kevin needs to go saying, “There’s no way they can let Kevin win, and when it’s his week to go they need to push him to his limit.”
At around 12:15 am, Paul had a conversation with Alex. He told her to chill with her aggressiveness towards getting Kevin out. “ I’m talking Kevin down from wanting to come after you. I’m getting the target off your back and onto Kevin’s back when I talk with the other houseguests.”
After that, he told Alex that the plan is to go after Matthew, Kevin, Raven and Christmas in that order. He also warned her again not to go after Kevin claiming that it would not work out well for her. Instead, he told her to push Kevin as a target to Matthew and Raven.
At one point, Alex and Paul talked about Raven.They agreed that they wouldn’t want her in a final situation due to her health issues. They don’t think it would be fair for other houseguests to go up against her because they think she would get too much sympathy. They also don’t think Raven is even trying to win.
At around 1 am, Paul sold the idea to Christmas that both he or Josh could beat him in a final 2 situation. And that was pretty much it for yesterday’s events. Clearly Paul has everyone doing exactly what he wants them to freaking do. We’ll see what ends up happening after Mark is finally gone.
Mark and Matt are the final nominees for this week and the plan is to definitely send Mark packing this Thursday night. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.