A Second Big Brother 19 Houseguest Selected To Appear On CBS’ Soap Opera Bold And The Beautiful

According to a new report from Entertainment Weekly, the folks on the CBS hit soap opera “The Bold And The Beautiful” have decided to bring on a second houseguest from the recent Big Brother season 19 to play a role!
It was revealed yesterday evening that they decided to go with the actual winner of the latest season Josh Martinez! That’s right guys. We might be seeing him bang some more pots and pans on the “Bold And The Beautiful” set. Just kidding. We actually don’t know what he’ll be doing exactly, but it would be great and fitting to see him bang some pots and pans around.
We can tell you that he did film a scene with actor John McCook who plays character Eric Forrester on the show. So, you can expect to see him get woven into his storyline in some fashion. They also revealed that Josh’s onscreen date will be on the Tuesday, October 24,2017 episode. So, be sure to mark that date down on your TV Calendars so you can check him out.
They say Josh arrived on set yesterday, September 27,2017 to film his new scenes. Josh also posted pictures on his official Twitter account. One picture showed him standing in front of the “Bold And The Beautiful” sign.
He captioned it with the words:”Surprise! I’ll be serving up meatballs on @BandB_CBS!! Watch 10/24 as I represent @CBSBigBrother! #BB19 #TeamMeatball #BoldandBeautiful.” You guys can see it on Josh’s Twitter account by Clicking Here.
Another photo also showed up on Big Brother Network that features Josh taking a pic with actor Scott Clifton who plays character Liam Spencer on the show. You guys can vie that photo by Clicking Here.
This latest Big Brother season 19 houseguest casting is the third one after they went after houseguests Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson first. Jessica was selected to appear on the “Bold And The Beautiful” first. Then the “Amazing Race” called up Jessica and Cody to compete in their latest season which is set to start filming on Sunday, October 1,2017 in the big apple New York City.
Jessica’s “Bold And The Beautiful” episodes are scheduled to air on Monday, October 2,2017 and Tuesday, October 17,2017. Be sure to mark those dates down if you want to catch her appearances.
She’s going to be in scenes with some of the show’s main actors. They are: Kimberlin Brown who plays character Sheila Carter, Heather Tom who plays character Katie Logan and Darin Brooks who plays character Wyatt Spencer. It’s reported that her role will consist of her playing a hostess at the show’s II Giardino restaurant. She filmed her scenes back on Tuesday, September 5th,2017.
We were actually starting to wonder if CBS was going to offer anyone else from the Big Brother season 19 cast something other than Jessica and Cody. It makes sense that they selected Josh. Other than Jessica and Cody, he was the only one who really stirred up a lot of drama in the house with multiple houseguests. It sounds like CBS went with the most outrageous and interesting houseguests this season.
Alright guys. That wraps up all the information we have for Josh’s new “Bold And The Beautiful” appearance. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.