‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Will Feature A Huge New Clashing Fight Next Week

‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Will Feature A Huge New Clashing Fight Next Week

Hey,”Bold And The Beautiful” fans. Happy Friday. We’ve got some more wild and crazy news for the Bold And Beautiful world coming up. It turns out that next week we’re going to see a new set of people start clashing with each other. This teaser is an official scoop from CBS.

CBS revealed that in the upcoming Tuesday, October 17,2017 episode, Eric is going to have to deal with the fallout that has resulted from a huge clash that Quinn has with Katie! Judging from that description, we can assume that this big clash will occur in either Monday’s October 16,2017 episode or this Tuesday October 17,2017. Whatever the case, it sounds like it will be extremely intense and dramatic to say the least.

As we all saw in today’s October 13,2017 episode, Quinn caught Katie and Wyatt engaging in an extremely heavy make-out session at the very end. Quinn didn’t look happy at all to see this. In fact, she started screaming at the top of her lungs about it!

So, we do expect to see the continuation of this to be shown in Monday’s October 16,2017 episode. Definitely get prepped for that. Since Katie and Quinn will have some sort of clash, the big question is will it be physical or just verbal? We do know it should be very intense. CBS unfortunately didn’t elaborate on how intense this clash is or if it’s going to get physical or not. So, that’s something that we’re definitely going to have to tune into find out.

Update: We just got some new information about the Quinn, Katie and Wyatt situation via the preview clip for the October 16,2017 episode. In it, Quinn is absolutely furious over these two making out.

She’s screaming and hollering like nobody’s business! At one point, Quinn tells Wyatt and Katie, “Whatever this is, it’s over! You stay the hell away from my son!” Yeah, so Quinn is definitely going to make it known that she does not approve of Wyatt and Katie at all.

In another scene from the preview clip, Eric is seen talking about the Quinn situation saying, “I should’ve told her as soon as I found out. It was a big mistake to keep it a secret.”

Eric looks awfully distraught in this scene too. So, it seems like Quinn might have gone off on him as well after finding out that he knew. That’s just our speculation. But ,if that is the case, that could cause just enough tension and chaos to drive Quinn into Mateo’s arms. We can see it now. All this drama driving Quinn to act out in ways she normally wouldn’t. We’ll have to wait and see if we’re right about that.

There’s one last pretty low key scene that the preview clip revealed. It it features Brooke and Ridge. Brooke tells Ridge, “I’m just trying to sort things out.” So, it looks like we’ll just see more of the same conversations from these two on Monday.

Another very intriguing event that will be taking place in one of next week’s episode involves Steffy and Bill. One of CBS’ teasers is telling us that Steffy is going to make some sort of a deal with Bill at some point. We don’t know about you guys, but we’re very curious as to what this deal will entail.

This is another storyline that CBS chose not to elaborate upon. So, we’re going to have to wait for it to air later next week to see what that’s all about. We can tell you that this supposed deal is scheduled to take place in Thursday’s October 19,2017 episode. So, be sure to mark that date down on your B&B calendars.

As previously reported, the October 19,2017 episode is also the one where we’ll see the first appearance of Bill’s new accomplice for his latest scheme. He’s going to hire some guy named Ken. Ken is a tech wiz and will be hired to hack into the Spencer Publications’ computer files in an effort to retrieve the recording of Bill confessing to burning down the Spectra Building!

It’s definitely going to be very interesting to see if this new Bill scheme is successful. If it is, Bill will be able to reclaim his company since Liam will have nothing else to blackmail him with!

It definitely sounds like we’ve got some very interesting and dramatic storylines to look forward to next week. The Bold And The Beautiful airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Bold And The Beautiful Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.

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