‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Hope Logan Will Do Something Outrageously Bold This Week

‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Hope Logan Will Do Something Outrageously Bold This Week

Happy Saturday “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We’ve got some pretty wild and crazy new teasers to reveal to you guys in this report. CBS recently released their new, weekly preview clip for the “Bold and The Beautiful” July 9, 2018 to July 13, 2018.

It gives us a few glimpses of what’s going to go down with the Hope and Steffy situation, and it looks extremely intense as Hope decides to take her mother Brooke’s advice and go all out to steal Liam away from Steffy!

The preview clip starts out by telling us “The claws will come out!” Then it jumps right into the scene that features another, major Steffy and Hope confrontation moment. Hope is seen telling Steffy,”I’m not giving up.” Steffy replies with, “So, you really think Liam’s gonna come back to you?” Hope replies with, “I’m not just gonna hand him over to you, Steffy.”

So, there you have it. The fight is officially on. Hope’s not playing nice anymore. She is going to fully come out and declare war on Steffy to get Liam back! From there, there’s no telling what’s going to happen. We’ll just have to keep watching to see how it all plays out.

There’s no doubt the writers just want to keep drawing this storyline out. That’s why they sprung the Hope pregnant thing on us, or they could’ve just been plotting it out for months. Whatever the case, this is what’s about to unfold between Steffy and Hope this week.

Are you guys rooting for Steffy to win Liam? Or for Hope to win Liam? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

Some other notable scenes that were shown in the new preview clip featured Sally looking like she’s about to get in a whole heap of trouble over that Hope threatening comment issue. In the clip, Thorne and Katie are seen confronting Sally. Thorne is seen telling Sally, “Someone’s been making threats against Hope.” Then Katie is seen asking Sally, “Did you really think you were gonna get away with this?!” Sally intensely replies with, “You’ve got the wrong person!”

I feel like that’s going to be a pretty interesting storyline to look out for. Is Sally really about to get busted? We know she was seen leaving something on that Hope For The Future website at one point, but there have been more than one comment. So, I’m starting to think maybe someone other than Sally could’ve been making comments. We’ll have to wait and see. One thing’s for sure, Sally is Thorne and Katie’s main suspect. So, that doesn’t bode well for Sally at all.

The final scene from the preview clip features another huge shocker from crooked Dollar Bill Spencer. Apparently, the producers have decided to keep making him act like a saint all of a sudden. In this clip, Bill is seen telling Wyatt, “I’m here to apologize.” Not surprisingly, Wyatt replies with, “What did you just say?”

Honestly guys. I have no clue what type of angle the writers are working with this “nice Bill” plotline. I find it very strange because they went through so much trouble to make him the most evil guy on the planet. Now, they’re pulling a total 180 with his character. I don’t get it. What’s the play here? Are they going to make Bill nice and boring from now on? Or do they have a trick up their sleeve? Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any new official stuff on Bill yet. So, we’ll just have to wait and see.

They do have some new, scandalous characters arriving. So, maybe they don’t think they need to use Bill as much. Who knows? Anyways, you guys can view the new Bold And The Beautiful preview clip for the July 9, 2018 to July 13, 2018 episodes over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

As previously reported, this Monday’s new July 9, 2018 episode will give us our first introduction to a new, scandalous lady name Zoe. She’s Xander’s ex girlfriend, and it sounds like she may start some trouble at Forrester Creations.

CBS haven’t gotten that far along yet with revealing her full plotline. All we know right now is that she’s going to be interested in a conversation she overhears taking place between Sally and Wyatt. She’s also going to spy on Emma and Xander. It sounds pretty intriguing so far. I’m curious to see what she’ll be up to.

Alright guys. That’s going to be it for this latest report, but definitely stay tuned because we’ll be back with more info in the future. The Bold And The Beautiful airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Bold And The Beautiful Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.

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