New Big Brother Season 20 Eviction Nominees Revealed For July 7, 2018

New Big Brother Season 20 Eviction Nominees Revealed For July 7, 2018

Hey, Big Brother peeps. Alright, it’s that time. It’s finally that time where we get to tell you who the crazy,currently reigning hoh Kaitlyn picked to go on the eviction chopping block this week. According to Big Brother Network and the Big Brother live feeds, Kaitlyn’s eviction nomination ceremony took place late in the evening yesterday, July 6, 2018.

After all was said and done, it was Winston and Scottie that were the unlucky, two houseguests that got thrown on the chopping block. However, there’s way more to these nominations than meets the eye. You see, Kaitlyn told both Scottie and Winston they were going on the block ahead of time because she actually wants to backdoor someone. And that someone is Swaggy C.

This doesn’t really surprise us since Kaitlyn is straight up shady as hell. She flipped on Swaggy’s team the other night with the voting. It’s reported that Scottie is still stressed and worried over this plan as he should be because this plan is far from being full proof, and I actually do hope it blows up in Kaitlyn’s face.

Her plan is ,of course, for someone on Tyler’s side to win POV and take Winston or Scottie off the block. Then she would replace them with Swaggy C. After that, Kaitlyn would still need to get the votes to get Swaggy C out of the house. As you can see, there’s lots of things that could go wrong with this plan, and I just really hope that her whole plan completely falls apart. She’s just so incredibly shady and hypocritical, and I can’t wait for her to get exposed.

Let’s go over a some important live feed notes of what transpired after the nomination ceremony. The feeds popped back on at around 8:15 pm pacific time yesterday,July 6, 2018 to reveal that Winston and Scottie’s photos were on the eviction nomination wall.

At around 8:17 pm, Haleigh was seen talking about Winston acting like he was mad over the nominations. She also thought it was funny that Rachel was shocked by the nominations.

At around 8:24 pm, Winston and Kaitlyn were seen discussing the nominations. He was of course acting fine with her because they had already discussed that she has a Swaggy C backdoor plan in play. She still told him she’s sorry, and he said it’s ok.

At around 9:23 pm, Angela and Winston were seen discussing the Swaggy C backdoor plan. Angela told Winston, “I’m worried that if Swaggy goes, he’ll come back by winning a Battle Back.” Winston said, “We can’t worry about that. The people who come back always go right back out anyways.” Winston also started talking negative about Sam to Angela. He told her,”Sam’s a liability ,and she needs to shut up about the power and use it on me.”

At around 10:30 pm, Bayleigh told Haleigh something pretty interesting. Bayleigh told Haleigh, “I’m worried about Kaitlyn. I cornered her in the bathroom and she didn’t give me a hug.”

At around 10:55 pm, Swaggy C and Faysal were seen talking about what they think their current status is. Faysal expressed that he thinks they’re both safe this week. Meanwhile, Swaggy C said, “We can’t really trust Tyler since it seems like he’s holding something back.”

At around 11:05 pm, Bayleigh ,Swaggy C and Faysal were seen talking about having enough votes to save Scottie. They think they currently have enough.

At around 12:15 am today, July 7, 2018, it was revealed that Rachel got the crap app this week for being the least trending houseguest. She expressed worry over this, thinking she’s irrelevant in the game. She also doesn’t like that now she’s ineligible to ever win the power app. later on, Sam tried to give Rachel a pep talk since she was so down over getting the crap app.

At around 2 am, Swaggy C showed the first signs of possibly being worried he’s a possible backdoor target this week. He told Scottie, “I think I heard someone say they didn’t want me to play in veto. I wonder if Tyler told someone about my comment that Kaitlyn was at the bottom of our group’s list?”

Alright guys. That was it for all the significant live feed events that took place after Kaitlyn’s eviction nomination ceremony.

How do you guys feel about Kaitlyn’s plan to backdoor Swaggy C this week? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments. The Power Of Veto competition is expected to be played later on today, July 7, 2018.

So, be sure to look for our big report on that to see who won. This is gonna be a big one guys. If anyone from Tyler’s side wins, Swaggy C’s going on the block, and all hell is going to break loose! Stay tuned. As always,you guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    Don’t care one way or the other who goes home just wish one of the guys could of got hoh and got rid of a girl the only real girl is Sam the rest I do not care for fake fake fake ass girls

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