New Big Brother Season 20 Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For July 8, 2018

New Big Brother Season 20 Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For July 8, 2018

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. As previously reported, the reigning HOH Kaitlyn revealed her eviction nominations for this week late Friday evening. They turned out to be Scottie and Winston, but they are not her true target. She’s looking to backdoor Swaggie C.

So, late yesterday evening, July 7, 2018, the Power Of Veto competition was played. According to Big Brother Network and the live feeds, the players who were picked to play were: Faysal, Rachel, and Tyler. They played against Kaitlyn and her eviction nominees, Scottie and Winston.

As you can see from that line up, Swaggy C did not get to play. So, if Kaitlyn’s plan works, this will actually be a true backdoor situation for Swaggy C. It’s not officially classified as a true backdoor if the victim of it gets to play for veto. But again, since Swaggy C didn’t get to play for veto, his backdoor will be officially classified as a true one.

Anyways, let’s get to the results. Tyler was seen wearing the POV medallion on the live feeds last night. So, he is certainly the winner which means Kaitlyn’s backdoor plan for Swaggy C is actually working out perfectly for her. All she’ll need to do now is make sure she has enough votes to get Swaggy C this Thursday night. We’re 99.9 percent sure that Tyler will cooperate with Kaitly to use the veto to pull one of her nominees Scottie or Winston off the block so they can make this Swaggy C backdoor attempt happen.

Kaitlyn and Winston were seen talking about it on the live feeds last night. Kaitlyn expects Swaggy C to get real pissed off and possibly yell at her. Apparently, Kaitlyn’s afraid of Swaggy C when raises his voice at her. She was complaining about it earlier this week. It’s believed that this POV comp was an individual performance one that was timed. Rachel was seen saying on the live feeds that she was just seconds behind Tyler in the comp.

There’s also been a confirmation that Tyler plans to pull Scottie off the block. Tyler’s reasoning for this is because Winston is already on their side, and he wants to try and sway Scottie to join them. I don’t really know how much of a good idea this is. Tyler’s alliance already has six freaking people which is too big already. Now, he wants to add someone else.

Plus, Scottie is more of a sure bet to stay over Swaggy C in terms of voting. With Winston on the block against Swaggy C, I could see some possible trouble occurring. With that said, I do still think Tyler’s crew has the numbers to vote Swaggy C out. So, it looks like it’ll be the end of the line for him unless something amazing happens.

One thing’s for sure is that Swaggy C will probably get real pissed at the POV ceremony this Monday afternoon when Kaitlyn throws him up on the block. So, get ready for those fireworks.

We’ve got some additional intel of what happened on the live feeds after Tyler’s big POV win yesterday. The POV ended at around 7:40 pm pacific time yesterday, July 7, 2018. At around 7:45 pm, Tyler told Rachel, “I want to save Scottie since Winston is already on our side. I gotta check the votes first to make sure Scottie being free to vote to keep Swaggy won’t mess us up.”

At around 7:50 pm, Tyler told Kaitlyn about his plan to save Scottie, and Kaitlyn agreed with it. Then Kaitlyn asked Tyler, “Is this wrong of me to betray my alliance? I wonder if I could go back to them and they’d take me instead of alienating me permanently with this move?” Tyler then tried to stop her from changing course. Kaitlyn said, “I’m still gonna do it, but I’m just a little worried about how they’ll react.”

At around 8:20 pm,Faysal and Kaitlyn were seen chatting. Faysal promised Kaitlyn, “I have your back no matter what happens in the game.” Kaitlyn asked, “Even means if I do something you don’t like?” Faysal replied with, “It would be okay ,and we would move on in the game together.”

At around 8:30 pm, Swaggy C still oblivious to Kaitlyn’s backdoor plan for him, told Bayleigh, “I want to target Tyler or Brett next week if I win HOH.” Bayleigh being the smarter of two of them in this moment, warned Swaggy, “We need to be wary of Tyler getting in Kaitlyn’s ear and getting you renom’d.”

At around 8:45 pm, Winston told Brett, ” I’m going to be nervous if Scottie gets saved ,and I stay on the Block.”

At around 8:50 pm, Kaitlyn told Tyler, “I’m breaking up my old alliance with this, but I fault Swaggy for breaking it up first by not trusting me more.” Heck, Swaggy C is right for not trusting Kaitlyn. She’s about to freaking flip on him.

At around 9:20 pm, Kaitlyn asked JC and Rachel to give her all the dirt they can find on Swaggy C along with anything bad he’s said about her so she can get more justification for backdooring him.

At around 9:25 pm, Faysal, Bayleigh and Swaggy C were seen talking about the veto. Still completely oblivious to Kaitlyn’s backdoor plan, they don’t think Tyler will use the POV because it’ll put a target on his back. However, Swaggy said he wants Tyler to use it for that reason. Bayleigh said, “Even if Tyler does use it, they have the votes.” Swaggy C replied with, “We thought that last week too.”

At around 9:35 pm, Angie and Faysal talked about how they don’t like or trust Tyler. Angie said, “Tyler is riding Kaitlyn and trying to get info to use against them.” Faysal said,”If we can get Tyler out, Kaitlyn will definitely be with us.”

At around 10:05 pm, Winstron found out that Scottie is getting pulled off the block instead of him, and he stressed out about it. Kaitlyn told Winston, “You’re definitely going to be safe.”

At around 10:30 pm, Winston told Angela and Rachel, “It’s too risky to leave me on the block against Scottie.” Angela and Rachel replied with, “It makes the plan too obvious if you come down.”

At around 10:35 pm, Tyler confirmed to Brett he’s planning to save Scottie in an effort to bring him over to their side. At around 10:50 pm, Tyler talked with Scottie about possibly using the POV to save him. Tyler also asked Scottie if he has the special power app power. Scottie said he didn’t.

At around 11:35 pm, Angie, Haleigh and Bayleigh were seen having a very interesting discussion about Kaitlyn. Apparently, they don’t think Kaitlyn has any interest in being friends with them, and that she just craves male attention more than being concerned with them. Haleigh went on to say, “I want Kaitlyn gone first out of everyone on our side.”

At around 12:05 am today, July 8, 2018, Winston expressed even more concern to Brett about him being kept on the block. Winston said, “I want Scottie up next to Chris (Swaggy C) so we can figure out if one of them has the power. I don’t like this idea of putting my own game in danger just to entice Scottie.”

At around 1 am, Brett went to Kaitlyn to try to convince her to get Tyler to save Winston instead of Scottie to see who has the power app. Kaitlyn told Brett, ” I want to befriend Scottie and make him safe.”

At around 1:25 am, Rachel was seen telling Angela,”If something goes wrong with Kaitlyn’s plan, it wouldn’t be so bad for one of the guys to go home first.” At around 2:25 am, Tyler was seen telling Rachel, “I’m pretty sure Scottie doesn’t have the power app after all.”

Alright guys. That was all of the significant events that took place on the Big Brother season 20 live feeds after Tyler pulled off the POV win yesterday evening. As always, You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

As I mentioned earlier, the POV ceremony is scheduled to take place tomorrow, July 9, 2018 sometime. We expect all hell to break loose when Kaitlyn throws Swaggy C on the chopping block. So, definitely stay tuned for that major report from us.

Another new Big Brother season 20 episode is scheduled to air tonight, July 8, 2018 at 7 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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