Fortnite Is Adding Cool, New Holiday Surprises To The Game

Hey, Fortnite fans. We’ve got some pretty exciting news for you guys today. It turns out that Fortnite is serving up a very special holiday surprise, starting today, December 19, 2018! According the folks over at , this new surprise is called, “14 days Of Fortnite” which is a play on the popular “14 days of Christmas” holiday song.
This will indeed just be a limited time event that will feature new modes, challenges, and more! The event actually started earlier this morning at around 9am eastern standard time. During this time, players can log into the game and find out which modes are available.
Epic didn’t provide specific details on what these modes will be as it’s a holiday surprise. Epic Game’s official description for their new “14 Days Of Fortnite” event reads like this, “Explore new Challenges, play in new and old LTM’s, and unlock rewards in this seasonal event, starting December 19!”
Some other things Variety pointed out is that in the Battle Royale setting, players can now jump out of a festive Battle Bus, find a snowball launcher, or hide within a holiday-lit legendary bush. It’s also reported that ground vehicles can now slide on icy surfaces. Also, landing on all four wheels will no longer damage the player inside.
Variety went on to report that Fortnite’s new creative mode now has some holiday decorations that have been added to it. Players can reportedly build their creations with winter-themed islands. There are four in total, and they’re selected from the player Rift on the starter island. Six, new Winter Village prefabs have been made available to the creative mode. Epic Games has stated that they are now giving players two total “The Block” islands instead of just one.
On the “Fortnite: Save The World” front, past and new themed enemies are getting added to the mix along with a winter map. Every day, players will get a new holiday quest which will automatically appear in a player’s quest log. When players complete a theme, they will receive rewards which are snowflake tickets to use in the store. A free Upgrade Llama is going to show up in the store every day. Epic Games is also planning to make a Smorgasbord Llama appear for a few days around December 25, 2018.
“Save The World” is also featuring another huge experience addition which is called, “Frostnite.” It will reportedly test how well players can survive the super freezing cold temperatures. Players will have to tote around a burner filled with scavenged BluGlo. If it ends up running out on them, the player will unfortunately freeze to death. Also, when the burner starts to decrease, the Storm Shield will shrink. So, it’s highly advised to always keep it topped off.
Another important point that Variety pointed out is that players in this new experience will only start with their survival skills, schematics, and basic starting weapons.
Epic Games revealed all their bug fixes and tweaks for this mode yesterday, December 18, 2018. You guys can view all of them on Epic Games official website by Clicking Here.
Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this latest Fortnite special report, but definitely stay tuned for more because there is certainly a lot of stuff going on with Fortnite these days. Be sure to follow us on our Fortnite Video Game News Facebook page for more Fortnite Video Game news, tips and more by Clicking Here.