Bachelor 2019 Colton Underwood Eliminated 8 Of 30 Women In Episode 1 Last Night (Recap)

Happy Tuesday, Bachelor Nation fans. We hope you guys enjoyed last night’s big premiere of the 2019 edition of The Bachelor! It sure had some pretty crazy moments as expected, especially with one particular girl named Catherine who just thought it was ok to keep interrupting everyone’s conversation with Colton.
She did it four freaking times, and one of them was after she was warned it was ticking everybody off. She’s nuts. I think the producers might have forced Colton to keep her around for ratings. They were probably like, “Just keep her around a little while longer, Colton. You can cut her later.” Seriously, if someone told me that happened, I wouldn’t be surprised.
Anyways, let’s get into this recap that reveals Colton eventually wiped out 8 of his 30 women in the very first episode. The premiere kicked off with host Chris Harrison revealing that they were going to keep interrupting the episode throughout the night with these live Bachelor Watching parties that were taking place in different parts of the country. Some of the locations mentioned were Dallas,TX, Los Angeles, California and some others we can’t remember at the moment. They showed some live engagement proposals during them. Luckily for those guys, their ladies said yes on national TV.
After the usual video montage of introductions, we saw the women roll up to meet Colton. Like always, some of them wanted to get really creative with their introductions so they could stand out. The first one that caught our attention was Alex D she showed up in a sloth outfit. We couldn’t even see her face for Heaven’s sake. Her act was, “I know you like to take things slow, Colton.” She just kept talking and walking very slow. It was sort of cute at first, but it got old really quick. Colton was nice about it though.
Tracy made a grand entrance in a police car. She told Colton she’s a stylist, but tonight, she’s the fashion police. She used that as a reason to get Colton to spin around so she could give him a good look over.
Alex B showed up with a sign that said she was sick so she didn’t say anything to him and just greeted him. Bri really stood out by greeting Colton with an Australian accent. Later we saw private cam footage that revealed she was faking the accent to stand out. It’ll be interesting to see how Colton reacts when she ever gets around to telling him about that.
The crazy girl Catherine showed up with her dog, and then she just gave it to Colton to keep like forever. So, that was interesting. One of the girls named Erin actually showed up in a freaking Cinderella carriage! Needless to say, that was a pretty grand entrance.
After all the initial, introduction action, Colton went to chit chat with the ladies at the big cocktail party they always have in just about every episode. Colton started things off with a really nice compliment. He told the ladies, “You’ve blown away my expectations” or something along those lines.
Demi quickly pulled Colton aside to talk 1 on 1 with him. Their conversation seemed ok, but her private cam footage was a little disturbing. She seemed a little full of herself saying, “I could already tell he has a crush on me.” And it was more of the way she said it too.
Erika asked Colton point blank, “Why are you still a virgin?” He told her it was conscious decision early on in life. Then he got caught up in his professional career, and his personal life took a back seat. Now, it’s just important for him to find the right person. Erika seemed to understand that explanation and reacted positively to it.
At one point, Sydney gave Colton some dancing lessons. ABC brought in a whole orchestra and everything for it. Alex D got some 1 on 1 time with Colton and finally got out of her sloth outfit. She turned out to be really cute too. More importantly, she stopped talking slow and ended up having a pretty pleasant conversation with Colton. She had a very sharp personality.
Now, for the crazy girl Catherine. She definitely started up some drama. It began with her interrupting Tracy and Colton’s conversation. Fortunately for her, Tracy didn’t cuss her out and was nice about it. A lot of the other girls that were watching it, got really upset with Catherine.
Then after she did it a second time, one of them named Onyeka decided to go ahead and confront Catherine about it. During their confrontation, Onyeka explained to Catherine that a lot of the girls are getting pissed off about her interrupting the other girls’ time with Colton. Onyeka, for the most part, was pretty nice in her delivery.
Catherine acted like she understood. She said, ” I don’t want to upset anybody” and things of that nature, but you could really tell she didn’t feel like she really did anything wrong by trying to hog all of Colton’s time. We saw evidence of that not more than a minute later! That’s right,guys. Catherine went right back out there and interrupted Tahzjuan and Colton’s conversation!
At this point, this was the 4th time she did that! It was crazy! Colton was nice about it though. He said something like, “Fourth time’s the charm for you, huh?” Needless to say, the other ladies were just totally ticked off by Catherine’s actions.
After all that drama, Cassia and Colton had a 1 on 1 conversation. She told Colton she was a speech pathologist, and she taught him some sign language. Their conversation seemed to go well.
Colton and Katie really seemed to hit it off. Katie touched him while she was talking to him, and she was giving off some really romantic vibes. I’m not sure, but I think Katie was the first girl he kissed. Whatever the case, they definitely kissed.
Towards the end of the cocktail party, Colton pulled Hannah G aside to eventually give her the “first impression” rose. Colton told Hannah, “You remind me of home” and what not. Then they kissed.
Shortly after that, we saw the final rose ceremony. During it, Colton ended up giving a rose to: Caelynn, Katie, Alex B., Hannah B., Onyeka, Caitlin, Annie, Kirpa, Heather, Elyse, Tayshia, Courtney, Cassie, Demi, Nina, Erika, Sydney, Bri, Angelique,Tracy, Nicole and Catherine.
The unlucky ladies who did not receive a rose were: Revian Chang, Erin Landry, Tahzjuan Hawkins, Devin Gooden, Alex Dillion, Laura Pellerito, Laura and Jane Aver.
Alright guys. That was how the first episode of The Bachelor 2019 edition went for the most part. What did you think about it? Let us know in the Facebook comments and stay tuned. Be sure to follow us on our The Bachelor Facebook page for more Bachelor news by Clicking Here.