New Shameless Season 9, March 3, 2019 Episode 13 Spoilers Revealed By Showtime

New Shameless Season 9, March 3, 2019 Episode 13 Spoilers Revealed By Showtime

Hey, Shameless fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode. Now that it’s all wrapped up, it’s time to take a look at what the next, new March 3, 2019 episode 13 will have in store. Thanks to the good folks over at Showtime, we will be able to do just that. They recently released a teaser description for episode 13.

To get things started, episode 13 is labeled/titled, “Lost.” That’s right, guys. There’s simply calling it “Lost.” The producers were like, “We’re not trying to get creative with this title at all. We’re just going to call it Lost and be done with it.” Oh, and you won’t believe what episode 14 is called. It’s actually called “Found.” So, I think it’s safe to say that episode 13 and 14 will have some sort of a connection.

But anyways, getting back to episode 13. It certainly sounds like it will feature some more very dramatic and interesting scenes as Debbie tries to get some romance in with Kelly. Frank once again ruins plans. Lip gets real upset again. Carl gets unfortunate news thrown his way. Veronica and Kelly get into more trouble. Fiona attempts to make things right.

We’ll go ahead and start off this teaser session with the Frank situation. It turns out that his injury is really going to put a cramp in everyone’s plans. Showtime’s official description tells us,”Frank’s injury gets in the way of everyone’s plans.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Fiona will be quite busy trying pick up the pieces of her life. Showtime’s description tells us, “Fiona attempts to get her life back on track.” Will she be able to do it? That’s the big question for this particular scenario. We’ll just have to wait and see.

The third spoiler scoop reveals that Lip is not going to be very happy with Tami. In fact, he’ll be quite frustrated. Showtime’s description tells us, “Lip grows frustrated with his relationship with Tami.”

The fourth teaser description lets us know that Carl won’t be having a particularly great time in this episode either because he’s about to get hit with some absolutely terrible news! Showtime’s description tells us, “Carl gets some bad news about his future.” What does this bad news entail? That’s the burning question for this plotline. Hopefully, we’ll see it get answered in this episode.

The fifth teaser reveals that Debbie will be looking to go to the next level with Kelly as she finally makes a move on her. Showtime’s description tells us, “Debbie finally makes a move on Kelly.” Is Kelly gonna go for it? That’s the big question for this one.

Lastly, the final spoiler scoop reveals that Veronica and Kevin will find themselves in quite a bind once again. This time, it will be at the twins’ preschool. Showtime’s description tells us, “Kevin and Veronica get in trouble at the twins’ preschool.” What exactly have they done now? That’s the main question we’ll be looking to see get answered.

That was it for Showtime’s written spoilers for episode 13. However, we do expect them to release a couple of preview clips later on tonight on Youtube. So, be sure to look out for those. They will definitely provide some extra intel for episode 13.

Again, episode 13 is scheduled to air next Sunday night, March 3, 2019 at approximately 9 pm eastern standard time on Showtime. Stay tuned.

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