Big Brother August 1, 2019 Evicted Sam Smith (Eviction Recap)

Hey, fellow “Big Brother’ fans. Tonight, August 2, 2019, another LIVE eviction episode did indeed air and another unlucky houseguest had to hit the tracks. Tonight’s episode kicked off with host Julie Chen revealing that a ton of drama had just gone down in the house and that the vote could go either way at that point!
Next, they went into showing the usual footage of what took place in the house after the POV ceremony when Kathryn replaced Nick on the eviction chopping block.
The footage showed that Sam was definitely the main target for the house this week. However, Analyse was seen telling Sam, “I’m sad you’re leaving. You’re the only one that makes me laugh.” She said if there was any way to save Sam, she would.
Next, they revealed that Christie and Tommy’s punishment for the week was brutal. They couldn’t go outside or shower for quite some time, but their punishment was eventually lifted and they were very happy about it.
They revealed footage of Kathryn saying she’s going to try to start breaking up the six shooters alliance consisting of: Christie, Tommy, Analyse, Jack, Jackson and Holly to help her game in the long run. So, Kathryn started planting negative seeds about Christie in Holly’s mind.
That caused Holly to start mentioning bad things about Christie to various members of her alliance.
Elsewhere, we saw Cliff trying to work Christie by telling her how he could benefit her game moving forward. During that conversation, Christie told Cliff, “I don’t want to be part of the six shooters anymore.” So, she appeared to be buying what Cliff was selling.
There was diary room footage featuring Jackson saying he might take a shot at getting Christie out if he wins the next HOH (Head Of Household).
They revealed that Sam also got in on the “let’s bash Christie” bandwagon. He started telling Jackson about some of the scandalous plots Christie’s been cooking up behind the six shooters’ backs.
That got Jackson thinking, and he asked Sam if he would be willing to work with him, Holly and the rest of the six shooters moving forward. Sam said, “Of course.”
Later, it was revealed that Holly didn’t want to get rid of Kathryn. Holly started kicking herself for not nominating Nicole so she could keep both Kathryn and Sam around as allies.
Shortly after that barrage of footage, the two eviction nominees Kathryn and Sam gave their final plea speeches. Afterwards, the other houseguests finally casts their votes to evict.
No one voted to evict Kathryn. Christie, Nicole, Jackson, Jack, Nick, Analyse, Jessica, Cliff and Tommy all voted to evict Sam. So, by a unanimous vote of 9-0, Sam was indeed evicted from Big Brother season 21 tonight, August 1, 2019.
After that, Sam gave is exit interview to host Julie Chen Moonves. Then they showed him a couple of goodbye messages and that was it for Sam.
Next, Julie revealed there’s a new twist coming up that you, the viewing audience, will get to vote on. It’s called, “America’s Field Trip.” America gets to vote to send three houseguests on a special field trip.
During this trip, the three houseguests will have to compete in a special competition. The winner of it will receive automatic safety for the week. The 2nd place finisher will get a punishment, and the last place finisher will get nominated as a 3rd nominee for the week! So, that is pretty intense.
After that big announcement, the remaining housguests competed for the new HOH crown. During the LIVE show, Julie revealed that the comp was a mixture of physical and mental activities.
The houseguests had to memorize some things. Then they would race to match some things up. They didn’t have enough time to complete the HOH comp during the LIVE show. So, we’ll have to let you guys know who won it later on tonight or tomorrow.
They also revealed that everyone who gets voted out from this point forward will indeed be apart of a 9 person jury this year.
Alright guys. How do you feel about poor Sam getting voted out tonight? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The Big Brother LIVE feeds are up. You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.95 a month.
The next Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 4, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
We expect it to feature the HOH comp. The nomination ceremony and various conversation footage. So, be sure to tune in for it if you want to see how all that good stuff plays out.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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