‘God Friended Me’ Season 2, December 15, 2019 Episode 11 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “God Friended Me” fans. Unfortunately, we have some bad news for you guys in this article. It appears that your favorite show is on a small hiatus right now. In light of that, CBS will not be airing the next, new episode 11 of God Friended Me’s current season 2.
We do have an official premiere date for episode 11. It’s currently scheduled to air on Sunday night, January 5, 2020 in its usual 7 pm central standard time slot on CBS of course. So, be sure to jot down that very important date on your TV show calendars.
What is airing in place of “God Friended Me” tonight? According to the information we found in the TV Guide listings, CBS is airing an entertainment awards special called, “THE 42ND ANNUAL KENNEDY CENTER HONORS.”
CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Featuring the 42nd Annual Kennedy Center Honors in Washington D.C.”
Then next Sunday night, December 22, 2019, CBS will be airing a Price Is Right special called, “THE PRICE IS RIGHT AT NIGHT: A HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA WITH THE CAST OF SEAL TEAM.”
Beyond those two dates, it’s a mystery what CBS will be airing in place of “God Friended Me” because TV Guide doesn’t list beyond the immediate two weeks.
If any of those shows sound good to you, you might still want to flip on CBS to watch them. If not, you will definitely want to find something else to watch or do for the next, few weeks.
With all of that said, we do have a bit off good news for the new episode 11 of God Friended Me. CBS served up a new press release for that episode. It does contain a few spoiler teasers. If you don’t like spoilers, we highly recommend that you leave this article right now.
If you don’t mind reading spoilers, by all means please keep reading along. Now that our spoiler warning is out of the way, let’s dive right into this episode 11 press release.
For starters, episode 11 is officially titled, “A New Hope.” It sounds like episode 11 will feature some pretty interesting scenes.
In the new episode 11, Joy is going to reveal a very interesting pattern to Miles. Apparently, all of Miles’ friend suggestions have been clients of the same insurance company. This will be a big clue as to who is running the God account.
This unique pattern will be further proven when Miles’ latest friend suggestion named Abe turns out to be a Holocaust survivor ,who is looking for information on his sister’s fate, is also a client of that same insurance company.
CBS’ official description for episode 11 reads like this, “Miles discovers a new clue as to who is behind the God Account when Joy (Jessica Lu) reveals that his friend suggestions have all been clients of the same insurance company.
Her theory is reinforced when they realize that Miles’ latest friend suggestion, Abe (Judd Hirsch), a Holocaust survivor looking for information on his sister’s fate, is also a client of the company.”
Episode 11 will feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Judd Hirsch as character (Abe), Aaron Yoo as character (Tze), Lynn Cohen as character (Rose), Arielle Siegel as character (Shayna), Jabari Gray as character (Ned Baker), Donald Corren as character (Auctioneer), Bruce Winant as character (Head of Auction), Lisa Lafontaine as character (Stacy), Todd Faulkner as character (Jerry) and Anthony Thomas as character (Attendant).
Episode 11 will feature a couple of recurring stars. They are: Jessica Lu as character (Joy) and Rachel Bay Jones as character (Susan).
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 11 are: Brandon Micheal Hall as character (Miles Finer), Violett Beane as character (Cara Bloom), Joe Morton as character (Arthur Finer), Suraj Sharma as character (Rakesh Singh), Javicia Leslie as character (Ali Finer) and Erica Gimpel as character (Trish).
Episode 11 was written by Safia M. Dirie, and it was directed by Marcos Siega. God Friended Me’s current season 2 is currently averaging 6.529 million LIVE viewers per episode and a 0.76 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. The last episode 10 brought in 6.807 million LIVE viewers and a 0.87 ratings score.
Those numbers sound damn good to me, but do they sound good to CBS? They haven’t renewed it for a new season 3 yet, but it’s still quite early. We’ll have to wait and see.
Again, CBS’ press release confirmed that episode 11 is scheduled to air on Sunday night, January 5, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “God Friended Me” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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