‘Arrow’ Season 8, December 17, 2019 Episode 8 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Arrow” fans. We unfortunately had to jump on here and inform you guys that the next, new episode 8 of Arrow’s current and last season 8 will not be airing tonight, December 17, 2019. Apparently, the last episode 7 was the final episode for the Fall part of the season.
We did manage to hunt down an airdate for episode 8. Currently, The CW is planning to air it on Tuesday night, January 14, 2020 in the 7 pm central standard time slot.
So, yes. The CW is changing up the time in which it will air as it wraps up this final season 8 by January 28, 2020. Be sure to mark down that very important date and time on your Arrow TV show schedules.
What is The CW airing instead of Arrow tonight? According to the TV guide listings, The CW will air a repeat episode of Arrow. The repeat they are airing is the 2nd episode of this current season 8. It’s titled, “Welcome to Hong Kong.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this,”Oliver, John, Laurel, and Tatsu seek out an important person within the Monitor’s plan. Connor has a heart to heart with his brother.”
Then next Tuesday night, December 24, 2019, The CW is going to air a Christmas countdown special in place of Arrow. It’s titled, “GREATEST HOLIDAY COMMERCIALS COUNTDOWN 2019.”
The CW’s official description for this Christmas countdown special reads like this,”A countdown of some holiday commercials, one for each of the 12 days of Christmas.”
If any of that line of programming sounds enticing to you, you might still want to flip on The CW to watch it. If not, you will definitely want to find something else to do or watch for the next couple of weeks.
With all of that said, we were able to hunt down some new information for Arrow’s new episode 8 that’s coming up. The CW release a short teaser description for it. It does contain light spoilers. So, if you don’t like spoilers, we highly recommend that you exit this article immediately.
If you don’t mind reading spoilers, by all means please keep reading along. Now that our spoiler warning is out of the way, let’s take a look at this new episode teaser description.
For starters, episode 8 is officially named,”Crisis on Infinite Earths.” Yes indeed. This one will be part 4 of 5 for crossover, Crisis on Infinite Earths fiasco. Apparently, the whole thing will conclude on a special episode of “Legends Of Tomorrow” when it returns to The CW’s line up.
The CW’s official description for episode 8 reads like this, “This crossover begins on Supergirl S5E09, Batwoman S1E09, and The Flash S6E09 and concludes on Legends of Tomorrow’s special episode.”
Yeah, they really didn’t say much in that description. I think we all pretty much know that it’s just a continuation of all the drama that has taken place in the “Crisis On Infinite Earths” crossover that has taken place thus far.
Arrow season 8 is currently averaging 763,000 LIVE viewers per episode and a 0.27 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. The last episode 7 brought in 825,000 LIVE viewers and a 0.30 ratings score.
These numbers don’t really matter much for Arrow since it’s already confirmed to end. However, there is speculation of a possible Arrow spin off if these Arrow season 8 ratings come in strong to close things out.
So, in the big, Arrowverse scheme of things, these ratings could turn out to be pretty important. We’ll have to wait and see.
Again, The CW confirmed that the next, new episode 8 of Arrow season 8 is scheduled to air on Tuesday night, January 14, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Arrow” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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