‘Legacies’ Spoilers For Season 2, January 23, 2020 Episode 10 Revealed

‘Legacies’ Spoilers For Season 2, January 23, 2020 Episode 10 Revealed

Hey, “Legacies” fans. We are back with a new set of spoiler scoops to run by you guys. In this article, we’re going to tell you what’s coming up in next week’s all new episode 10. That’s right, guys. We’re already 10 episodes deep into this second season.

Thanks to The CW, we’ve got quite a few teaser descriptions for the new episode 10 to share with you via the episode 13 press release. The CW also served up some new preview photos for episode 10. So, we will discuss those and give you a link to them. So, let’s get started.

First off, the official title for episode 10 is called, “This Is Why We Don’t Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies.”

It sounds like the new episode 10 will feature some very intense, dramatic, action-filled and interesting scenes as a new monster attacks the school! Alaric, Lizzie and Josie search for a dark magic protection solution. Landon asks to learn self defense. Alaric gets haunted by something from his past and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the new monster situation. It turns out that it will be Coven Day in this episode. In light of this, the witches of the Salvatore school will have a big get-together to celebrate it.

However, the celebrating won’t last long because a new monster will indeed turn up on the scene. This new monster will target Alyssa Chang and the other students by by causing a lot of discord and chaos among the covens!

The CW’s official description for this major monster drama reads like this, “As the witches of the Salvatore School come together to celebrate Coven Day, the latest monster to infiltrate the school targets Alyssa Chang (guest star Olivia Liang) and the other students by spreading discord and creating chaos among the covens.”

How will the Salvatore crew deal with this latest monster threat? That is the big question we’ll be looking to see get answered in this episode. We have no doubt that a lot of dramatic and intense scenes will be served up by this storyline.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that a ton of dark magic will be brewing inside of the mora miserium. In light of this very disturbing fact, Alaric, Lizzie and Josie will act fast to search for a solution to keep Josie protected from the dark magic.

The CW’s description for this scenario reads like this,”Alaric (Matthew Davis), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) search for a solution that keeps Josie protected from the dark magic brewing inside the mora miserium.”

Will Alaric, Lizzie and Josie track down this much-needed protection before it’s too late? We’re thinking Lizzie , Alaric and Josie are going to run into some major trouble on this latest venture of theirs because we’re officially hearing that Hope will have to come to their rescue in episode 11.

So, get ready to possibly see some major problems with this Alaric,Lizzie and Josie plan when episode 10 hits the airwaves next week.

The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that Landon will finally have enough of feeling powerless and useless while Hope takes all the glory. In light of this, Landon will ask Hope to train him in the art of self defense.

The CW’s description tells us, “Fed up with feeling powerless alongside Hope, Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) asks her to give him self-defense training.”

Will Hope agree to train Landon? That’s an important question for this particular storyline. We are officially hearing that Landon will be trying to prove himself useful in the 11th episode by keeping watch over another new monster. So, we’ll see how that works out when episode 11 airs.

The 4th and last teaser description lets us know that Alaric is about to be in more big trouble in this episode. At some point, something from Alaric’s past will indeed haunt the living hell out of him!

The CW’s description for this intense Alaric haunting reads like this, “Alaric’s past comes back to haunt him.”

What will this thing from Alaric’s past turn out to be? Will Alaric defeat whatever the hell it is? Those are some very important questions we hope to see get answered before the hour is up. It definitely sounds like this storyline will deliver some more very dramatic and intense scenes.

The new preview photos for episode 10 feature Josie, Hope and Lizzie in a few scenes together. In one of them, they look pretty casual. Josie is even smiling in it. In the other one,they look totally freaked out and terrified!

Kaleb and MG are seen in one of the preview pics. You guys can view all of the preview photos for episode 10 over on Spoiler TV’s site by Clicking Here.

Episode 10 will also feature Quincy Fouse as character MG and Chris Lee as character Kaleb. Episode 10 was directed by America Young, and it was written by Adam Higgs and Josh Eiserike.

CW’s press release confirmed that episode 10 is indeed scheduled to air next Thursday night, January 23, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Legacies” TV show report,but definitely stay tuned for more.

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