‘Outlander’ Season 5, May 10, 2020 Episode 12 Is The Finale. Renewed For Season 6

Hey, “Outlander” fans. We are back here on this lovely Sunday morning to deliver some good and bad news to you guys in regards to your favorite drama “Outlander.” Before we start in, we hope you are having a great weekend and staying safe from the crazy pandemic.
Now, let’s get into it. First off, we’ve got some bad news, but we promise you the good news is way batter than the bad news. The bad news is that tonight’s episode 12 of the current Outlander season 5 is indeed the last one for the season.
That means you guys will have to wait for quite some time before you see another new episode of Outlander.
Currently, we’re hearing that season 6 might not debut until some time in 2021. We’ll have to update you on that in a future post. We do know that season 6 will contain another round of 12, new episodes for you guys.
An interesting fact. Season 6 was actually already renewed way back in 2018 according to the folks over at TV Line.
Apparently, the folks over at STARZ were so impressed with the performance of season 4, at that time, that they just said, “Screw it. We’ll give them two more seasons right now. ” So, that is awesome.
At the time,the president and CEO of STARZ, made a very important statement about the renewal of Outlander saying, “Fans can rest assured their beloved Claire and Jamie will be back facing new challenges, adversaries and adventures in seasons five and six as we delve into American history and continue the story of the Frasers as they settle in the New World.”
According to the folks over at townandcountrymag.com, the season 6 script is already being worked on as we speak.
They were following tweets from the show’s main star Sam Heughan aka character Jamie Fraser. One of his many fans asked him, “Have you read S6 scripts yet?”
Sam kindly responded by writing, “We have started… Ep 1!!! So excited. But you’re going to love the rest of this season.” You guys can view that conversation over on Sam Heughan’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
Townandcountrymag.com also took a peak at the official Twitter account of another big star of Outlander Caitriona Balfe aka character Claire Fraser.
One fan asked her, “@caitrionambalfe Are you able to do anything at all for season 6? Are the writers writing or breaking the stories into episodes? Just wondered if there’s any prep for you and the other main actors to do. #AskCait.”
Caitriona replied back with the following answer: “The writers are still at work. #AskCait https://twitter.com/karaneppl/stat.” You guys can view that tweet over on Caitriona’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
Townandcountrymag.com also revealed that Sam Heughan commented on how the pandemic is affecting their season 6 production schedule. He stated, “We were supposed to start this week. We have scheduled for Fall. Will just have to see…”
Caitriona Balfe revealed to Digital Spy that she was actually surprised STARZ renewed Outlander for both seasons 5 and 6 together. She was just hoping for a season 5.
She stated, “We kind of hoped that we would get a season five, We weren’t really expecting them to pick up both together, so that’s really exciting.”
Outlander producer Ron Moore talked to the folks over at Entertainment Weekly about season 6.
During that interview , he revealed that it’s possible season 6 will cover the rest of Diana Gabaldon’s sixth book in the Outlander series, “A Breath of Snow and Ashes.” He also mentioned throwing in some material from the 7th book, “An Echo in the Bone.”
He stated, “It’s possible that season six will cover the rest of A Breath of Snow and Ashes, but also some of Gabaldon’s seventh book, “An Echo in the Bone.”
As for the season 5 ratings and viewership numbers, it averaged around 800,000 LIVE viewers per episode,give or take, and a ratings score of 0.12 for the 18-49 year old demographics.
The last episode 11, which aired on May 3, 2020 brought in around 866,000 LIVE viewers and a 0.12 ratings score. Those are definitely good numbers for a cable show such as STARZ, especially when you consider all the other viewers it might get from online streaming and what not.
Alright guys. That is all we’ve got for this latest “Outlander” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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